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Everything posted by iLLxTyphus

  1. Ive posted many times here, supporting us server owners and admins. Well today i encounter people who should never be aloud to own anything that gives them power over other players. i had two friends join this server to play cause it was day time and our home server was night. well they were trotting along and low and behold a Dirt Bike comes by them so they shoot the rider, and blow up the bike, about 30secs later the server is reset and they two guys are banned under the premise of "hacking". Now understand i dont think these two could hack their way out of a paper bag with a Map and compass, they are my close gamer buddies. Now lets get to what i experienced. so i log into their lobby and ask for the admin so talk about why they were banned. I first encounter and Angry woman screaming at me saying that i dont own the server (no i dont own the server but i own one myself) she goes on yelling and through her womanly babble i hear her call me a bitch and what not i shrug it off cause well gamez is Serious Bizz Now i laugh and go on to tell her im gona eat the server alive on the Fourms (which she takes as i said im gona eat her alive, like i smoke bath salts or something) we get into talking well me saying that we will be posting the Fraps to the devs about this so it can be delt with properly. (i have fraps of the the encounter from my buddies and Frap of the encounter with them in their lobby) So after me myself being accused of hacking, racism, and threats Im gona say this the ]AFG[ clan compsed of Medic(admin) gullie and Meg(who i assume is the angry lady with many cats) i feel like the 35 players that are composed of three diffrent clans will be joining your server alot and hunting cause well that what the game is about and i invite any one who wishes to join in the Hunt can Personal msg me and we can get you on my server and gear you up and send you to thier server to hunt I dont do this to be a complete asshole but these people give us admins are bad rep and most of us are here trying to clear that rep, and well you got me on a bad night after dealing with BF3 bads. if you think i should not do this please post below if you support my endevor please post below and if you support a day when server are shut off please find my of post titled "A Talk to All Admins" and post thier sorry for the text wall thank you for your time -Typhus P.S. ill be waiting for the Devs response to the Fraps i have submitted Got everything cleared up and i extended my formal apology on here, ill have to log into vent at some point and talk and exchange apology's there, I've just been busy the past few days
  2. Most of you know me here for my ownership of US 905, my advocating of more power to the admins, and my slight blow up at another server owner/admin. Unfortunatly US 905 is currently no more its was discontinued as of saturday, if you lost tents, camps, gear i do apologize. There were unfortunate file and save corruption. Have no fear, i will be operating a new server in the next week. With the same rules and guidelines as before, my vigalence will still be there but this time with help there will be a total of 5 server admins including myself watching the server via Rcon or being physically on there server so response time will be faster if not instant. If there is an odd time were there is no admin watching and funky stuff its going down i will be providing my "alternate" skype name for anyone to call or msg at anytime of say to assist you. The benifits of me getting a new server and new ID give us a fresh map with no stay forever tents and hopefully better car spawn selection, b.c idk if you guys notcied but there was like 4 buses, 3 white trucks, and both URALs. no Military offroad had spawned, and i think we had a UAZ once on the server and the damn Helicopter changed hands at least 3 times a day...... why no one blew it up i have no idea but i salute you i dont think we all wanted to wait 7days for a respawn. Also the dick placed wire traps and hedgehog will be gone. All in all its for the better, with more monitoring admins and hopefully a better player experince for you all. I will be pushing for the server Time Zone to be Day light during the night hours of Eastern standard time US, thos are my main gaming hours. If you have any thoughts or querys about the server rules the names of the admins or anything at all please post here and i will answer you promptly. Thank you for your time Sorry for the text wall iLLxTyphus PS i will be starting guild wars 2 on the server Isle of Janthir helping running a guild so please msg me for an Invite we would love to have you. (PM me and ill give you my account name.numbers privately)
  3. iLLxTyphus

    Players of US 905

    I updated my server, to please update to the current update your gona have to do it manually, six launcher and Dayz commander arnt hosting the update. and its currently running stable for my server
  4. Basically im looking for a run down on how their gears holding works, For example, the Ural has 200 item slots AND 50 weapon slots now i understand that every item slot is like a single cube in your personal gear, but the weapon slots does that mean ONE full weapon like a AKM or does that mean 50 slots to use so lets do the math if any main weapon take up 10 normal item slots does this mean that it in turn takes up 10 weapon slots out of the 50 you currently have in the Ural or does it only take one of thos slots, so if it takes 10 slots in your weapon slots you can in turn only hold 5 main weapons or 10 sidearms in the Weapon slots, if you not taking into account the normal item slots? Next (sorry for the text wall) for the back pack slots i understand it hold close to 10 backpacks that all fine i understand that but if i fill say two alice pack and stick them in the Ural, will i lose the items in both packs b.c they overlap each other in the gear screen? if i can get a fix to my OCD madness on this subject it will be vastly appreciated Thank you -Typhus
  5. I support this post cause he is right, i had a grp of 3-4 hackers TP me and my clan to them and took our guns away, they just started turning us into dogs and killed one of us, i just asked nice if they wouldn't mind doing this on another server, and they responded by giving us are guns back b.c we didnt freak out about the hack and left
  6. iLLxTyphus

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

    Well i assume they got this entire thing cleared up, i since it was i shall extent my own apology, you guys got me on a bad BF3 run the other night. but i still think we should invade each others servers might prove for new game play ideas. other then that can i get a mod to lock the thread
  7. iLLxTyphus

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

    Ericko sorry to bust your bubble but your the only one in here saying we are full of shit, where he said it was a grp of hackers, we are only referring to two ppl that dont hack. honestly Prove that they hacked with a post of the logs, unaltered.
  8. iLLxTyphus

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

    If you read the post i entered their Server to talk with them about it they preceded to verbally assault me so, well not all of them but they gotta put that woman in there back in her cage or outside on a leash. its not a freak out i honestly see it as new game play to invade other servers
  9. iLLxTyphus

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

    bump because i can
  10. one of the players on my server just linked me this fourm im gona send you a PM i own US 905
  11. Restarted my server as i do everyday and bam nothing spawns no tents no cars no base camp, so i restart it again thinking its a dysync with the hive its now restart #10 where the fuck is my shit rocket
  12. anybody else's server just despawn everything like tents and cars and such
  13. Now it has become VERY apparent that many servers are being destroyed by hackers, and on the other end there are thos admins that completely lock thier servers which i do not fault them because of the rampant hackings, but again is unfortunately against the rules. there are also admin who lock their server to A-farm free loot and hop server and murder everyone or hack on their own server and hop servers and murder more ppl (you admins should burn in hell your one of the problems not a solution) i my self pay 40 dollars a month for my server and pray the day does not come where my own server is destroy by these pests. there are thos of you out there who own multiple servers or dedicated servers that can cost well over 200 dollars a month. The sad thing i do see is most player who complain and bitch because they are locked or get kick or others, where on my end if you on my server with over 200 ping your removed from my server cause of the lag strain it puts on me and my buddies. Let me get to my point where im glad to host a server for players who cant pay for thier own to enjoy the game i welcome you with open arms to make my server your home i do have 20 constant player i know personally that play, it used to be 25 but thos 5 decided to try hacking and well i gave them a ban. In all honesty we need to make a statement, yes this game is in Alpha i realize this, but Focusing on little bugs and adding things back into the game is not what you need, if your not going to do something bigger about problems like hackers your player base may just go to another game like "Warz" (if its any good). In support of getting this fixed ALL server owners need to get together pick a day and just turn your server off. there is no rule you cant do that. turning your server off will not only starve players who complain all day about stuff they should not even be opening their mouths to speak about from playing their home server. it shows that without a loyal happy player base the game will stop and the Dec release they plan on will have to wait (which is way to damn early in the first place) All in all it is this, We fork over the money to have server up and running you can play on and We are forced to fix them is hacker get their grubby hands on them, where as you a non owner gets to just leave the server and find a new one in about 3secs. To the player who don't own servers and support us in this i thank you very much your the player base we need to keep this game rolling along. Feel free to comment on this as it is a rant, but if you honestly agree with me say so give me your beans lets do something about it instead of just posting "this (insert whatever here) need a change or fix"
  14. iLLxTyphus

    A Talk to All server admins

    Well i finally got hacked and well my hosts CP has been down all day and im just about done. in all honesty maybe the project will fall flat on its face for some company who can get things done to get it acomplished
  15. i honestly do not care about thier operating hours if they host in the US they need customer support in the US no excuses, the CP has been down most of the day with no updates. so theres no excuses anymore
  16. cant even turn my own server off to combat hackers so i can get my logs and their GUID's this is the 2nd time in a month crap like this has happened, i want credit on my next month b.c the range of customer support goes from great to complete utter crap. if not ill take my money to another host
  17. i called thier office to no answer again..... how does company bomb out in one week
  18. I cant get into my control panel page wont load please fix
  19. Jonnerz i sent a ticket in can i add the Lingor Island map to my service????? ticket is 425896
  20. iLLxTyphus

    A Talk to All server admins

    Read what i wrote zq7, i had five members of my clan try to hack and they got insta banned and yes i stand by that your being an ignorant shit.
  21. iLLxTyphus

    A Talk to All server admins

    zq7 i understand what your saying this is to the point of that we as server owners are not aloud to protect our servers, and yes ive heard of arma2 you ignorant shit. now im all for each side of the view but if your just gona come in and try and bad troll dont bother posting
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFKUnfwBPTU Scissor Sisters- I cant decide Btw support http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52643-a-talk-to-all-server-admins/