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Everything posted by scarecrowq

  1. scarecrowq

    Hackers on NZ 2

    I was just running away from zombies and suddenly I am in the centre of a group of people in ghillie suits/with really good gear in an airfield...
  2. scarecrowq

    Hackers on NZ 2

    I'm glad you agree with me! :)
  3. scarecrowq

    How to take an Alice Pack?

    Thank you!
  4. scarecrowq

    Hackers on NZ 2

    I thought that was a pretty clear teleportation statement...heh, right, it's 10am for me :P Oh my goodness...I jumped off the server and onto another (yeah, yeah, call me a server hopper if you want but I was in the right, they teleported me!) and have begun looting this airbase...got so much ammo!
  5. scarecrowq

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    :D Yeah, I've realised that by now. But I did meet one nice chap that saved me from a couple of bandits and fixed my leg up, asking nothing in return.
  6. scarecrowq

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    This sounds great and I wish you the best of luck. As a new player myself I aspire to one day be able to help people myself. I remember my first encounter with a person; He stood there and said nothing, then I said "friendly?" over the mic. Apparantly he wasn't.
  7. So yeah, I just got the game and I was legging it along some tracks when I saw this pretty damn nice looking motorbike in the middle of the grass. There was nothing wrong with it, it was fixed and fueled up. I approached it cautiously - expecting a bandit trap, but nay, the bike was mine! I was driving around (I had nothing good on me so I was just enjoying the ride) before someone sniped me about 20 minutes later. It was fun, thought I'd share.
  8. scarecrowq


    I am a guy, and play as a guy ;)
  9. scarecrowq

    Hoarders: beware

    What if you steal from a stash of someone who is out helping people? Like the lovely chap the other day that guided me away from hotspots and saved my arse twice?
  10. scarecrowq

    Deer stands?

    Aright, so I have been hearing about how good these are just wondering what sort of areas they are found in (I don't want specific locations or maps as that ruins it...just what sort of terrain they are most often found in). Thanks
  11. scarecrowq

    Dear New Players

    Good thread, I guess. I just looked on the control list...
  12. scarecrowq

    Deer stands?

    Thanks! Best of luck finding some AK ammo! :D
  13. scarecrowq

    Deer stands?

    A'ight, cheers. Yeah, don't see too many deer stands in London/Perth heh.
  14. scarecrowq

    How bad is fall damage?

    I am currently on pause game on top of a building with about 12 zombies around the ladder blocking me. My question is: Will I survive if I jump down?
  15. scarecrowq

    How bad is fall damage?

    Heh, thanks. Oh man, I am an idiot, I was laying down in this room trying to hide from zombies...right next to a pile of goodies including a tactical knife and lots of ammo.
  16. scarecrowq

    How bad is fall damage?

    Cheers. Might save it though.
  17. scarecrowq

    How bad is fall damage?

    No, no :P I used the ladder, as suggested ;) Anyway: I found a grenade (I haven't found a gun yet so this seems good :P) but, uh, how do I use it?
  18. scarecrowq

    How bad is fall damage?

    Alright, I'll let you know how it goes :P EDIT: Alright, made it inside a house...and I found a grenade (I haven't found a gun yet so this seems good :P) but, uh, how do I use it?
  19. scarecrowq

    My first bandit kill.

    Maybe he will have learnt his lesson and will forget his bandit days...or maybe he will join a bandit clan...who knows? But congratulations on the kill, still yet to make my first!
  20. So I have been reading a few threads and I noticed that people are complaining about patches deleting their characters...does this actually happen? :S
  21. scarecrowq

    Noob question about patches

    Alright, cheers.
  22. scarecrowq

    New Radio Station only for survivors!

    Tuning in right now...sucks that it's kinda stuttering.
  23. scarecrowq

    Thankyou to the Silent guardian.

    This is what I want to do when I get better at the game, and get some good equipment. This tale really inspired me to look past the numbers of bandits. Thanks for sharing!
  24. scarecrowq

    Newbie got a motorcycle in 10 minutes :D

    It was pretty damn fun! I found a bike before a gun :P But yeah, as I said, I knew it was probably a trap but I had nothing worthwhile on me so I went for it. I never did see the shooter...
  25. Great. I just got this game, played a few saves and I for one love the difficulty it presents. I mean for gods sake it takes the challenge away if you start with everything. Oh and I love how you contradict yourself completely...you decide on becoming exactly what you are claiming to hate...and you are abusing people over the internet yourself mate. You can't tell someone they are a "virgin, skinny fuck" and not expect retaliation. Honestly, yeah I'm a virgin, yeah I'm pretty skinny, but mate I'm 16. That shit ain't even legal, and you say it as an insult? Please think before you type, I'll just wait until you try insult me because you think you can't get off of your high horse and think you are better than us.