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Everything posted by aguinn99

  1. aguinn99

    Problem i may have.

    How often is it? If it's not too frequent it's okay. If you get banned, well, you'll know for sure. I don't really know to be honest lol.
  2. aguinn99

    Chernarus Map Guide App for Android/iOS

    When do you think the version for IOS will be out? (If it does come out).
  3. aguinn99

    I like the game and all.. But.

    I've never had an encounter with Hackers, guess I'm lucky...
  4. Yeah if you ran him over and shot him he's probably a hacker.
  5. aguinn99

    omg pls how can i use my crowbar?

    What does pressing F do? Upper right corner?
  6. aguinn99

    how to kill my char

    They took away the respawn button.
  7. aguinn99

    omg pls how can i use my crowbar?

    There is no secret as far as I know. I tried the same thing, nothing happens. I don't think it counts as a weapon. (I might be wrong but the same happened to me)
  8. Huh to avoiding zombies or to being killed by trees? The zombies thing is just a strategy to avoid them. Trees killing you is just a glitch.
  9. aguinn99

    A great day dying and exploring!

    I've had the same situation I kept trying to get on a day server lol.
  10. aguinn99

    What happened?

    But you didn't lose any blood, yet you say you got shot. You had to have glitched on a tree root or something. You can't be shot without losing blood lol.
  11. aguinn99

    Losing the zombies

    Try to zig zag up a hill, they will lose you. Also, running around two corners and going prone works. You can also run and go prone in cover (Bush, tree, etc). Hope this helps :)
  12. aguinn99

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    If I manage to get some medical supplies today I'll try to help you (That is if you trust me.)
  13. 1. Your character is consistent across all Dayz servers. 2. Answered in one. (If you want to go on the same server you have to filter it.) 3. To go into third person press enter on the num-pad. 4. To equip a hatchet to fight with, right click it and press remove from toolbar. it will then be in your primary weapon slot. Leave your inventory and press the "R" key to "reload" it. (yes you have to reload it lol). 5. There are unopenable buildings, but some can be opened. Barns, Wooden houses, hotels, churches, fire stations, tents, and hospitals are all enter-able, as well as hangars and towers, etc. 6. It varies town by town, I mentioned some open-able ones in the last answer. 7. If you see an green icon in the center of the screen when you go up to a door, press the middle mouse button to open it. (Icon looks like an open or closed door, depending if the door is opened or closed). 8. There are many ways to evade them. You can zig zag up a hill, run around to corners and go prone, run and jump into cover, etc. Hope this helped :)
  14. aguinn99

    New players guide from Bandit point of view

    If you have killed five or more survivors you are a bandit. There's no way to tell until you kill them, everybody looks the same.
  15. Running is just going to get you shot or killed by zombies, just saying. I doubt that anyone could do that on there first try in the game.
  16. aguinn99

    Worst Game Experience ever

    This. good tips here. and the last sentence.
  17. aguinn99

    Worst Game Experience ever

    This is just how the game is. It's SUPPOSED to be really hard and realistic. Read some guides and watch videos, or just keep trying. I've died about 10 times and I still haven't found a decent primary weapon. It takes a long time to become okay at the game. If you can't put enough time into it, this isn't the game for you.
  18. aguinn99

    Worst Game Experience ever

    This is exactly what I do.
  19. aguinn99

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    Oh by the way I can help people with supplies. (As soon as I gather some items myself.)
  20. aguinn99

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    Dr. Phil, where have you been? I PM'ed you multiple times. You haven't replied yet.
  21. aguinn99

    New players cant get past learning curve

    This is very true. Have my beans.
  22. aguinn99

    the guys you see on youtube playing this...

    Exactly what I was thinking.
  23. It's a pretty huge map. it would take a really long time. To give you an idea of the size here is an online map: http://dayzdb.com/map#3.059.074