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Everything posted by BrettHarrenton

  1. BrettHarrenton

    Removal of NVGs and Thermal Scopes

    Well in all of your zombie games have they ever taken place in the zone of a civil war? and your idea is fucking stupid.
  2. BrettHarrenton

    Alt-F4: Cannot log off unless 200m from another player?

    Fuck that what if i want to get off on a 75 person server jackass?
  3. BrettHarrenton

    Some collected questions on Dayz

    2 yes they despawn unless they're glitched
  4. It was nice playing with you if you want to again PM me.
  5. BrettHarrenton

    Map not showing metres away

    Not all servers do
  6. BrettHarrenton

    Worst luck ever.

    At least your 10 day character didnt die because of a fucking graphic glitch.
  7. Running drains faster, but who cares I'm not walking 10kilos.
  8. BrettHarrenton

    M4 holo m203 trade

  9. BrettHarrenton

    MmmM low blow

    Ever try typing correct English?
  10. BrettHarrenton

    The BEST LOOT.. EVARR! Please read here.

    Fake, patrol pack? I'm sure...
  11. BrettHarrenton

    UH-1H questions,

    3. why the fuck do you want to know that?
  12. BrettHarrenton

    UH-1H questions,

    2. i dont think so
  13. BrettHarrenton

    UH-1H questions,

    1. 1 per server
  14. BrettHarrenton

    Zombies need some more diversity

  15. Assume they don't and get a car.
  16. BrettHarrenton

    Night Time Servers too Lighted?

    Get a watch or blow up the moon.
  17. BrettHarrenton

    [WTT] Antibiotics.

    Do you have any successful trades @ freeside?
  18. BrettHarrenton


    lame suggestion.
  19. Would have killed you quicker, you would probably would have died 150-300 meters out, and would have left your shit.
  20. BrettHarrenton

    Wow, the barracks are lame--NO THEY'RE AWESOME

    uh wtf i go there and get good shit everytime
  21. BrettHarrenton

    Temperature Not Harsh Enough ?

    42 is body heat-_-
  22. BrettHarrenton

    Temperature Not Harsh Enough ?

    Have you ever ran? Do you realize how warm that keeps you?
  23. BrettHarrenton

    Punching or Flashlight for a Starting Weapon

    why it so easy to find guns