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Everything posted by BrettHarrenton

  1. BrettHarrenton

    Why didn't this guy shoot me? (Video Included)

    Don't make two threads. He did shot at you.
  2. BrettHarrenton

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    What a cock muncher.
  3. BrettHarrenton

    Map Hacks

    If there is player markers he could have seen you.
  4. BrettHarrenton

    Make zombies SWARM the sound of gunfire

    He's also never shot in cherno or elktro
  5. BrettHarrenton

    Piloting Manual

    Not the worst suggestion but realistically a random guy could attempt to fly one.
  6. BrettHarrenton

    Which is better?

    Forget the AKs
  7. BrettHarrenton

    [TRADE] Want: SVD Camo| Trading: L85 CWS

    Try here:http://freesidetrading.co/index.php?forums/freeside-trades.14/
  8. BrettHarrenton

    unreasonable murders -> lack of identity

    No this is not DayZ play another game if this is that big of an issue to you.
  9. BrettHarrenton

    Distinguishing friendlies

  10. BrettHarrenton

    Looking for as50/rangefinder I have l82 AWS/NGS up

    try here: http://freesidetrading.co/index.php?forums/freeside-trades.14/
  11. BrettHarrenton

    Vehicle Spawning?

    If the vehicle isn't in use imo being saved then the respawn on a restart.
  12. BrettHarrenton

    Irradiated Zombies

    Play fucking ARMA you cunt the government was at war and in disarray...-_-
  13. BrettHarrenton

    My Endgame

    Hunting... players.
  14. BrettHarrenton


  15. BrettHarrenton

    Spawning unconsious

    Because of the asshole above you.
  16. BrettHarrenton

    Looking for M4A1 holo

  17. BrettHarrenton

    Looking for M4A1 holo

    Thats a hacked weapon.
  18. BrettHarrenton

    How to be friendly but not stupid?

    I hunt people so...
  19. BrettHarrenton


  20. BrettHarrenton

    Dayz endgame ideas.

    Nothing they don't like it oh well I'll kill them and they'll have a ton to do.