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Everything posted by BrettHarrenton

  1. BrettHarrenton

    The Latest Patch

    First off I'd like to state this is the worst patch for anything ever. It has caused problems and fixed none. Between graphical glitches from barbed wire to the even worse ambient soldier bodies, and not being able to play ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead, I despise this patch with all of its' rampant problems. Oh, thanks for the loading screen there Rocket real top notch! <_<
  2. BrettHarrenton


    James hacked killed everyone, admited it in side chat US87 @4:53 EST
  3. BrettHarrenton


    He is still on it...
  4. BrettHarrenton

    The Latest Patch

    Didn't work still acted like dayz except the expanision was disabled, problem: single player grayed out(thanks Rocket), and multiplayer servers I set up like the Armory I'm just spectating the mission.
  5. BrettHarrenton

    The Latest Patch

  6. BrettHarrenton

    The Latest Patch

    Yeah, not down with the lingo sorry friend.
  7. BrettHarrenton

    The Latest Patch

    Uh? English is appreciated.
  8. BrettHarrenton

    The Latest Patch

    How do you propose that? There are no highlighted options.
  9. BrettHarrenton

    The Latest Patch

    How then without uninstalling DayZ?
  10. BrettHarrenton

    The Latest Patch

    The one that disabled single player from OA. This is bullshit that I can't play OA with DayZ installed.
  11. BrettHarrenton

    Additional items -Pen and Paper

    Ok. :beans:
  12. Do some fucking research dumbass http://dayzdb.com/database/weapons
  13. BrettHarrenton

    Are people willing to trade their vehicles?

    try here http://freesidetrading.co/index.php?forums/freeside-trades.14/
  14. BrettHarrenton

    Weapons for trade SD

    Try here:http://freesidetrading.co/index.php?forums/freeside-trades.14/
  15. BrettHarrenton

    Player Identification and Classification System

    One of the dumbest ideas ever posted as it is in the upmost unrealistic and adds extra bullshit hud.
  16. BrettHarrenton

    Newbie question I couldn't find an answer for.

    just about everywhere from forests to NW airfield
  17. BrettHarrenton

    Is a pdw a big deal

    That's not a gun jackass.And the PDW takes PDW mags.
  18. BrettHarrenton

    Distinguishing friendlies

  19. BrettHarrenton

    Car Flip-Reasonable concept

    Wouldn't work with the engine to my knowledge and i don't like the idea all that much.
  20. BrettHarrenton

    Ways to regain Blood?

    No :emptycan:
  21. BrettHarrenton

    Need AS50 Ammo, Willing to trade...

    Try here:http://freesidetrading.co/index.php?forums/freeside-trades.14/
  22. http://freesidetrading.co/index.php?forums/freeside-trades.14/
  23. BrettHarrenton

    A relevant quote for those that play DayZ

    nice quote, still hunt players though. ;)
  24. BrettHarrenton


    You didn't save it