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Everything posted by BrettHarrenton

  1. BrettHarrenton

    Can i run Dayz mod

    Get the demo and try.
  2. BrettHarrenton

    Dear fucker who killed my friend then alt-f4'd.

    Look at the underlined parts very hypocritical.
  3. BrettHarrenton

    Dear fucker who killed my friend then alt-f4'd.

    Yes but I agree, but you said "I seriously can't wait until the next patch so we have measures to deal with shit like this." there are way more serious problems with the mod and they should be fixed first then clean up unfair tactics and such.
  4. BrettHarrenton

    Dear fucker who killed my friend then alt-f4'd.

    YOU are stupid alt-f4'ing is the least of this mods issues, hackers, breaking my legs walking through doorways, spawning unconscious, amoung just about every other issue ranks above people disconnecting, your friend died fair and square you just didn't get revenge get over it.
  5. BrettHarrenton

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

  6. BrettHarrenton

    Sidearm review

    Makarov is a pos if i dont have a weapon i don even pick it up
  7. BrettHarrenton

    Better not Jack up Zombies wanted.

    play on expert
  8. BrettHarrenton

    Sidearm review

    PDW sucks takes like 5 to take a zed m1911 isnt loud at all
  9. BrettHarrenton


    What is mercenary difficulty?
  10. BrettHarrenton

    civil discussion about PVP

    ive come to far to lose everything i kill on sight because ive seen one friendly for as long as ive played
  11. BrettHarrenton

    civil discussion about PVP

    Being near me.
  12. BrettHarrenton

    Things I want to see in DayZ. - (some ideas)

    No to all, i actually hate all of them.
  13. BrettHarrenton

    Crowbars: more damage or get rid of them

    Cant you find a gun? do you want to remove empty soda cans because they're also useless
  14. BrettHarrenton

    Potentially Selling NVG's - Thoughts?

  15. BrettHarrenton

    Hostile Act timer [Hinder the friggin dcing...]

    Annoying way to fix it.
  16. BrettHarrenton

    How to Get Rid of Alt F4

    Everyone forgets the point of alt-f4, to quit the game if an actual problem occurs, its not some glitch that needs to be fixed.
  17. BrettHarrenton

    Alt-F4 Simple Solution

    I don't think that would work nor should work, this 'simple' solution is very complicated.
  18. BrettHarrenton

    Another "New Player" Thread =)

    Avoid large groups, they have good stuff and don't intend on losing it.
  19. BrettHarrenton

    Cheating With No Consequences

    Big BUMP!
  20. BrettHarrenton

    Some video of my first few hours of game play

    lol nice uh scavenging ... ;)
  21. BrettHarrenton


    let me know if your in need of help