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About andrewbrownster@gmail.com

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    Perth, Western Australia
  1. Same issue: Retail copy Beta:103718 (Most current) Happens when launched through SixLauncher & DayZ Commander *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: I get stuck at the loading screen, the bar is fully loaded, typical DayZ logo in the middle, and the number 0 down the bottom right. If I get past the loading screen, I get a "Battleye client not responding" kick message after a couple of seconds after spawning. PC Specs: i7 3.07Ghz 6Gb RAM AMD Radeon 5870 (1GB) OS: Windows 7 64-bit Other info: DayZ: BE: 1.202
  2. andrewbrownster@gmail.com

    I admit defeat

    You do realise that becoming a bandit you are only going to drive more people to banditry? I have nothing against bandits, you can play the game how you want to play it, I guess it's about integrity, about how much punishment you can stand and still be a good guy.
  3. andrewbrownster@gmail.com

    To the UK 123 Sniper who killed the bandits in Cherno

    So you server hoped to get good gear? I really don't like people like you...
  4. andrewbrownster@gmail.com

    Fucking Humanity...

    Humanity can be bugged by logging in or changing skins. If it looks like its reset to 0 any humanity you gain/lose should carry over to your actual Humanity value (with possible exception to the humanity you get just by playing the game, if your humanity is over 2,500).
  5. andrewbrownster@gmail.com

    Second Account Help Please!

    Hi All, Hope this helps. Basically the way I've got my two characters setup is one boxed copy installed on my PC, and another copy on Steam. One registry entry has BAF & PMC associated with it the other doesn't. I can only play BAF and PMC with the original registry entry loaded. If I've loaded my second character I have to go back and install the original registry entry. So long as you're using "RegEdit.exe" you shouldn't be having any problems. Edit: Pretty much what this guy said ^
  6. andrewbrownster@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Yeah, kinda pussied out and alt-F4. I don't usually alt-F4 but if I lose my current gear I will have the rage to end all rages. Edit: Steam is Andrewbrownster if anyone can help, or feel free to PM me, I'm just browsing the forums atm Edit 2: Should be okay for now, Flunkdust is trying to assist.
  7. andrewbrownster@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need help in Berezino. I'm on 340 blood and bleeding out. Please someone PM if they can help, I'm not a bandit, I finally found a SAW and have survived for four days thus far. :( Edit: Also passed out :(
  8. andrewbrownster@gmail.com

    Medic Down on AU1 !

    From the sounds of it you might have more luck having two cars, one going up ahead and setting up a distance from where the bus is going to stop with a rifle to encourage people not to cause trouble. I'm playing on AU1 every now and then and am happy to help if you're looking for more members.
  9. andrewbrownster@gmail.com

    Killing unarmed players

    I must say those that snipe new game are cowards, I've had several players try to snipe me after spawning fresh with nothing but starting gear, the good news is that they were all horrible shots, a simple zig zag was enough enough to throw them off. I would never attack an unarmed player unless I told him to back off and he kept coming. I must say I find it hilarious how many "bandits" consider unarmed players a serious threat, surely you can't be *that* bad at dayz.
  10. andrewbrownster@gmail.com

    Stuck on Loading

    I'm having this issue too, also after meeting with a hacker (Was teleported to the top of Chenarus tower/hotel thing and was forced to dance - I couldn't control my character who was doing a dance-esk animation). I was looking forward to play without the weird graphic artefacts from the dead soldiers, but I can't play at all. :( Edit: No luck with updating any of the files. :( Edit 2: Okay, it was a problem with the latest update, fixed it now. Good luck to everyone who is genuinely stuck.
  11. andrewbrownster@gmail.com

    Brilliant. What the F*ck do I do now?

    I'm in this situation too, I'd love a heli lift out if you could help me too. :D
  12. andrewbrownster@gmail.com

    Any Australians notice the lack of Aussie servers showing up?

    There were over a dozen servers, now I can only see 3. Edit: Hmmm, the servers have started appearing and then disappearing for me.
  13. andrewbrownster@gmail.com

    Any Australians notice the lack of Aussie servers showing up?

    I'm having this problem too...
  14. andrewbrownster@gmail.com

    Why are people such assholes?

    I can't stand players that call friendly and aren't. This video puts a smile on my face though.
  15. andrewbrownster@gmail.com

    Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

    I haven't lost all of my gear, but I've had 3 different logins where at first I lost my primary weapon (This happened on two logins) and the most recent time I lost my main weapon, ALICE pack, secondary weapon and all of my toolbelt (Map, Hunting Knife, Matches, etc) NOT HAPPY JAN!! >:(