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About RitterOhnePferd

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Let me ask you a slightly different question in return: What would you accept as "proof"? I mean if I see someone spawning something and therefor ban him from my server that is - and I think we all agree on that - right, but not a bullet proof reason if he complains about the ban. I actually dont know if there would be any hard evidence in the server logs about what just happened on the server...and I kinda doubt it, because if its easily spotted by simple server logging BE would've noticed it too (well...probably I guess). I'm not running around recording everything, and in case I'd have some recording tool ready to use and start recording after some "non normal" event happened there is still a chance that I wont be able to witness anything else - either because he teleports, kills me, or something else. So basically, yes your assumption is right, though some hints about what would be accepted as proof would be nice. Otherwise it would be just the admins word against that of the accused player. **Edit: I just wondered if it would be possible for DayZ to recognize a passworded or locked server and either disable loot spawn on the server, or reject saving changes to objects from that server on the hive as long as the password/lock is on that server. As I've stated I would've liked to do that during the server configuration process, and I know that for example Vilayer detects passworded/locked servers right away and shuts them down...so my guess it that it should be possible to do something engine wise to allow locking/passwording without letting someone take advantage of it item wise. And as a second - kinda optional - thing: I guess you are also aware of the problem with broken tents - either the ones not working, or the ones getting bugged at some point in time. It would be nice to be able to swipe the server, getting rid of those tents permanently (as well as the always respawning barbed wire, even after you've removed them with a toolbox). I have to admit I'm not entirely sure about the despawn mechanics as there have been some changes to them without any note in the changelog. But being able to trigger some sort of cleanup to get the server straight after someone messed around with duped tents/wires/tank traps would be nice as well. What I'd like to do, or rather be allowed to do - resembled in rules - would be to: 1) Ban players for 1-4 days if they use ghosting (and by ghosting I mean real position change during a firefight, like moving 300 meters on the top of a building on another server, not 30 meters because of a small lag or something). 2) Ban players that are obviously hacking (spawn items, call in airstrikes, teleport themselves or other players, etc) permanently from my server 3) Password the server after setup/during configuration changes (e.g. put a password up for 15-30 mins) 4) Trigger a cleanup to remove broken/bugged items
  2. And to add another tiny bit to this topic: When we got our server I wasnt sure about all the different difficulty settings, so I started to play around, test them out to see the actual difference (like player names and distance on the crosshair; if the damage of zombies varies in different difficulty settings etc.). As the config changes required a restart of the server each time it was a bit of a hassle for the players joining as I was restarting it quite a few times until I was satisfied with the configuration. Some players complained though, and I could totally understand them...couldn't do anything though because of the "Dont you dare to set a password - even for like 1 hour to configure your server - or you'll burn in hell and get blacklisted" rule. Actually the rules make the average player suffer as well. So in my opinion, being too strict about some aspects of the rules wont help anybody anyway. If someone abuses he will do it repeatedly and massively. Just putting a password on the server for like one hour wont hurt anybody. Softening the rules in favour of the admins would be pretty helpful.
  3. RitterOhnePferd

    Few quick questions for current server renters

    Just in case you didnt knew that yet: Vilayer is providing you with an Update Button. They will prepare the whole update for you, and you just have to log in the web panel and click one button. Dont know which other hosters provide a similar service, but guess a few might do so.