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Everything posted by hedgic

  1. Is anybody know how to make the Outpost settings for normal use of DayZ (and Six' as well)?
  2. If it eliminates or decreases graphic glitches then yes - till it will be fixed.
  3. Hi Rocket! First of all - thanks for game! Thing that happened yesterday after the update Logged off near the Sobor, updated and logged back in to see the YOU ARE DEAD screen then i am in the middle of a debug field with nothing on me. Reloged near the Kamenka with nothing in my inventory but stats remaining the same and camo suite. When I come to Balota I had found that it is impossible to achieve it because of glitches… On many servers… I thought I was patient (for the normal debug procedure) but seem not enough… Is it possible to return previous condition? Best!
  4. Same thing happened to me today after the update. Logged off near the Sobor, updated and logged back in to see the YOU ARE DEAD screen then i am in the middle of a debug field with nothing on me. Reloged near the Kamenka with nothing in my inventory but stats remaining the same and camo clothing. When I come to Balota I had found that it is impossible to achieve it because of glitches… On many servers… I thought I had patients (for the normal debag procedure) but seems not enough…
  5. hedgic

    Can't update to

    It is seems that DayZCommander not working with Win 7…
  6. hedgic

    DayZ Bug Tracker

    Very good that you had morphine! :) By the way - what is it "Ghillie suit"? Is it special camouflage suit?
  7. hedgic

    Please please help

    Hi all! Could you explain what is mean "@hive"? As I see it is necessary to update it. And one more: where I can download an actual battleye client? (I have v1.61.94945+)
  8. hedgic

    DayZ Bug Tracker

    why I have to stand up when checking for my pockets/backpack? And when coming into the door... And on stairs And what for so strange practice that I can break the leg or to get concussion ONLY if I awkwardly turned indoors?