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Everything posted by winch

  1. The Purgatory - some custom buildings. One barrack area on NEA, Firestation in Zelenogorsk and a couple of hidden treasures on the woods. Good player base with 3-5 clans. Heli crashes start out as one helicopter with AI flying around for 10 minutes before it crashes a random place (can be shoot down). Very good main admin, active secondary admins. Custom combat log-prevention script. Custom antihacker-script- Vehicle-level: 60-100, automatically kept on this level. Tents that are unused for 30 days are swept. All over a great server. Try it.
  2. winch

    Oculus Rift

    I demand Oculus Rift-support for ArmA/Dayz!! The only downside is that I will probably die from real starvation, cause I will not be able to disconnect, thinking the beans&coke actually give nutrition... The Oculus must be market-ready first of course..
  3. winch

    Scope changing?

    Just stating the obvious: sub-sonic = bullet travels slower than sound, thus removing the "whip" sound the projectile make when breaking the "sound-barrier". This in conjunction with a suppressor eventually a silencer, which muffles the local "bang" from the gunpowder in the cartridge will make a weapon a lot less noisy. Sub-sonic cartridges have less "punch" on longer distances, but on short distance it´s more than enough. because the "stopping-power" of a gunshot is not merely determined by bullet travel speed, but also bullet weight. A silenced 7,62x51 would be super-nice, giving accuracy, stealth and "punch" in the same weapon (DEVS: do not put this in the game, it will be too nice). I will not speak on behalf of the US/rest of Europe, but in my country you have to specify from your local gun-shop that you want your weapon threaded for barrel-mounts (i.e. flash-suppressor, bayonette :P , silencers). Hail ARMA: I just want to praise the makers of this game and want to mention one thing amongst many I really like.. The scope on the DMR has Mil-Dots, not my favorite, but better than nothing. The scope has a zoom-function, but since the reticle is on the second focal plane (popular in the US) the reticle does not follow the zoom, making the dot´s MOA change when you zoom. This is so deliciously realistic, I could cry! A little bit nerdy, a little bit of topic, I just had to get it out...
  4. winch

    Wtf was this??

    Just happened to my and another player on Norway 2 and Norway 26. My friend got teleported to a helicrash and was hacked in the face with an axe, I managed to log of the server in time. I immediately logged on 26 to see if my survivor was alive, then suddenly out of nowhere a guy comes up from behind me and nail me in the head. He could not have sneaked upon me because I was continously scanning around. This really fucks up the gameplay for me.. Just got a M4 SD and NVG from a "mysterious stranger", now it is all lost of course. Why can´t hackers stay to BF3 and stop bothering me!!
  5. winch

    DayZ Stories

    STARTLED!! I don´t usually post anything on forums of any type, but this story is just too good to not be told. I have been playing for approx a week now, on and off with a friend for security reasons and because it is a lot more fun when you can give mutual support. I really love this game, but because of all the apparently "evil" player out there, I have a ambivalent feeling towards it. I have probably been killed 10 times by other players over "crumbs", even killed for a bandage and a flashlight. The last time I was killed I decided that I will not tolerate. It is a "dog eat dog world" and I started to justify mindless killing, I was slowly turning into a bandit (mentally). Today, I was walking around in the forest near Pulkowo with my brand new M4 w/Aimpoint and stumbled across a car parked on the edge of the field. I was so startled, "I´M SO FUCKING STARTLED" I thought and in the confusion (in my mind) I desperately tried to crawl under a pine tree,,, Superbad idea. I died of course, struggling for 40 seconds against what probably was an Ent from LOTR. Hopeless.. My 8 days old survivor died under that tree with my precious gear. Nothing fancy; Alice-pack, binos, map, food and my first M4.. My friend logged on at that moment and I sent him to the car to salvage my gear and maybe we could steal the car.. When I arrived at the scene there was no body and my gear was lost forever, but at least we found a vehicle. So we decided to take a run up to Stary Sobor so I could get a decent gun and mayby some equippment again. We drove straight into Stary and he dropped me off at the supermarket. He was supposed to park just up on the hill and join me inside the army-tents just outside the city. Got an Alice-pack from the supermarket, but everything else was already take so I should have seen it coming, but anyways. I moved towards the army-tents with the famous graphic-glitch in my face when I suddenly heard two long-rifles firing from the hill I just sent my friend with the stolen car, I was of course killed again. My friend with the car had to loose some zeds before he parked the car, so he acctually escaped. Now for the real story, for those of you who haven´t given up on this thread. I re-spawned near Skalisty Island and made my way North towards Berezino. Did a detour to a barn in Gorka on the way. Just about when I was to leave the farmhouse there came a guy crawling into the building. I had a Winchester pointed at him, but he did not seem to carry a gun so I tried calling him directly. He was so "STARTLED" when he noticed me, probably thought like every other person in this game, "Ohh shit, start all over again!!". He had a broken leg from a zed-attack and looked pretty helpless, so I decided to give "survivor-mentality" a try one last time. I gave him my one and only morphine auto-injector and told him about a Lee Enfield I have seen in the building next door. I hope this player will think before he acts the next time when he has the upper hand in a situation. (I have nothing against bandits, we survivors needs bandits to give us the great experience this game is) Anyway, since I have used my only morphine-injector, I had to go to Berezine during daylight to collect medical-supplies. I was sneaking into the city from the WEST when i suddenly heard footsteps behind me. It was a player with a AS-50. I was prone and he was running around me with 5-6 zeds chasing him. He killed the zeds and turned to me. Since I was all out of ammo I thought this was it... but no, he dropped the AS-50 and said; "Take it!" and ran off. I was a bit STARTLED so I said; "WHAT!?!" and tried to take the huge weapon. Apparently you can´t have a AS-50 and a backpack so I struggled a bit trying to carry both when the "Mysterious Stranger" suddenly came back and said; "Fuck the rifle, take my Coyote Backpack w/ rangefinder, NVG and the lot.... Needless to say I was STARTLED!! I told him about my encounter earlier and said it must be karma. He replied that he was a bandit and I was the only one he had helped. "You need medical supplies?, let´s go to the hospital!" he said. I followed him in to the hospital and there I found a M4A1 CCO SD w/8 mags and another NVG and guess what he said? "Take it!!" I picked it up and turned around and he was standing there with a bike and said "Take it!, and have a nice day!" I biked out of town while he provided suppressive fire, killing all zeds trying to get me while I pedalled into the sunset. Moral of the story: Karma is a bitch, but she sure can be sexy at times! There actually are people like me in the game, not just "snipa-diapers".. Thanx Bowie!