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About wadziu

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. wadziu

    Stream Sniping A Huge Problem

    Yeah cause the biggest problem now in early Alpha is some random streamer getting shot too often...
  2. wadziu

    Sniper Rifles

    Neither Mosin or Enfield is a hunting weapon... They are both WW2 weapons commonly used as bolt action rifles or sniper rifles after adding a scope.
  3. wadziu

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    It's fine! These are some crappy civilians who have no idea how to handle a weapon well. And the best thing is, firefights now last more than 3 seconds, compared to A2 where every bullet was a lazor. It benefits to immersion imho and it's more fun when byllets whizle past your head!
  4. Third person - it completely destroys any purpose of PVP and any tactical manovers with organized team are complete waste of time.
  5. Some shitty servers which do not restart often throws FPS limit on players and become unplayable, try joining some empty server or fresh after restart and see if its the same.
  6. wadziu

    Zigzagging/fast zombies

    Tottaly agree, those things in the mod right now are not zombies, but some highly mutaded and specialized predators. Zombies should be slow, killed only by headshots or two full magazines into chest. Right now it's just silly to watch how zombie who has problems standing straight without falling over, turns into zigzaging farmer running with the speed of cheetah in the moment they aggro on you. Making them slower but more bulletproof would also fix issue with them running after you for the whole map and stopping when they try to hit you over and over.