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Micheal (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Micheal (DayZ)

  1. Micheal (DayZ)

    Chernarus Heroes

    Name: Daniel (aka Micheal/ Micheam Mc'Bride) Location: Australia Role: Guard/Escourt i am usually heavly armed Tell us about youself: Love dayz and i currently sit near electro sniping bandits to help out newer spawns. Being shot over and over i know what it is like to just start and get killed and forced to start again Form of communication:Ts3/Skype ill get what ever is needed to get coms going Why would you be suited for this role?: People need Protection and i am willing to give it to them (optional) Age?: 21 side note: it is better to see than to be seen I have gone through the same problem just reinstall your arma2/arma2 oa and reinstall DayZ commander and it should fix the problem Well after a hacker just f@#$@ed the server i was just on ill need to regroup with my friend and reload my gear so it might be a while till i can get up and running again but i will be ready for anything when i do get the chance to hang out with you guys
  2. Micheal (DayZ)

    Getting frustrated

    let me know if you still need help as i am aussie as well and i play on eny server i can get on skype: gothic4111
  3. Micheal (DayZ)

    Looking for a partner

    i am more than willing to hel but i am 21 but if you would like another friend/group member let me know skype: gothic4111
  4. Hi i am good with trying to join a group i have some spare gear for anyone who needs it let me know where to go
  5. Micheal (DayZ)

    |Sp3c| ( 3 Spec ) Group. Recruiting The Best!

    hey i dont have skype but i have steam is that ok???
  6. Micheal (DayZ)

    Bandit Forum

    hey i am interested in joining a clan or group of players and i may have a few friends that might join as well so if you have Steam hit me up. my steam name is: Michael Mc'Bride
  7. hit me up whenever you guys like i am on most days
  8. hey i 2 have been playing for a few days now and i am also looking for a comunity of people/players to hang out with. i am 21 and i play LFD/ARMA2 (OA And dayz)/TWS2 i am verry interested as well Steam name: Michael Mc'Bride