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About Lawson

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  1. Lawson

    Banditry exploded

    I still think back to when I was being chased by Zombies as a noob. Like a dumbass, I ran into a house that had no back door and the zombies were blocking the only exit out. All of a sudden, I see this blur by the window, hear automatic machine gun fire, and all of the zombies drop dead. A player in a ghille suit pops in, stares at me for a few moments, then runs back out. I never see him again nor could I thank him. It beats yesterday when I was running and got my head sniped off in mid sprint.
  2. Lawson

    Hold FlashLight and Primary weapon at same time?

    Actually, I've never understood why the flashlight takes up the secondary slot. Especially considering you have two hands and can easily use both together in real life. And it's a real pain to swap the two out with the current system.
  3. I had my first hacking encounter last night. I had finally gotten some good gear (after seemingly getting killed by either zombies or other players). I was running through the woods, rather happy to be heading up north with all of the gear I had. All of a sudden I get teleported to some encampment and hear this horn going off. I'm thinking, "Oh god, did I cheat? I don't know how to cheat, but maybe I got in trouble for something that I didn't realize I did." I turn around and get shot inside a tent of some sort. I'm dead and have to start all over. I had no clue where I was or how I ended up there. But I'm fairly sure it was some sort of hacking trick. It was truly frustrating. Overall, hackers haven't ruined the game, but it's definitely made the game a bit annoying.
  4. Lawson

    Graphical Issue near balota

    Just started running into this problem as well. Exact same issue as the photos posted already. I have a Nvidia GEforce 550 GTX TI. It just started popping up today. I'm in the middle of Chernogorsk and stuck. The game is now unplayable for me.
  5. Lawson

    FPS Breakdown

    I run a GTX 550 TI, quad core, with 12 gigs of ram. On most servers, I can run graphics on high without a touch of lag. But last night, I joined a server where the FPS was around 5 and I could hardly move. I was in one of the cities. It could very well be server specific.
  6. And they stay deployed even if I log out? So basically, if I store items in a tent, anyone can just come along and take things out of it?
  7. I'm still fairly new to this game. So, let's say I put out a tent or a wire fence somewhere in one server. I then log out and move over to another server. Do the items stay on the server I deployed them out on? Or do they follow me to whichever servers I go to? And I imagine they disappear when I am offline? Thanks in advance.
  8. Lawson

    A movie some of you may enjoy

    This is a great film. The writer of the book also wrote the novel, "No Country for Old Men".
  9. The hackers aren't making the game unplayable. I play it daily just fine. Sure, they're annoying and all. But the game is far from unplayable because of hackers. The developers of this mod are well aware that hackers are an issue. If you want to help the hacking issue, find a good server with honorable admins, and bring the hackers to their attention. I'd expect that the server admins want to keep the hackers off their servers.
  10. Lawson

    Servers not showing?

    Same here. It was a relief to see I wasn't the only one.
  11. I've only found the NVG's once. Combine that with the DMR in open land and it's pretty deadly.
  12. Lawson

    Global banned

    I like the part where he breaks the rules by hacking, then breaks the forum rules by posting a thread he knows he's not supposed to post.