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Everything posted by subz

  1. Where is the best place to find a raincoat so I can try it out? Cheers
  2. subz

    FAO Orange Raincoat Lovers

    I want a orange raincoat too...where is the best place to find those? Cheers
  3. I for one like having Ambient Occlusion (AO) on. But to get it to stay on, I need to set Postprocess Quality (PQ) to normal which is just too blurry (Low setting makes AO swap to disabled whenever I enter the video configure area). Is there any way to get AO to stay on with a low PQ setting i.e. is there a cfg file somewhere I can set to read only? Cheers
  4. Really! Great news..Probably should play on there too.
  5. Is there a way to run in windowed at 1440 and not see the window? It kind of off putting, how can I fill the screen even in windowed mode? Cheers
  6. IS it true that you need to run this in Windowed mode?
  7. subz

    DayZ (NZ/AUS) Steam Group

    Great... does this require me to launch game via steam? I don't normally. Saw where you say to join group chat but can't see where to do this. cheers
  8. subz

    NZ25 - scripters

    Yep, those NZ servers are friggin oxygen thieves.
  9. subz

    Why the radio silence?!?

    Rocket dude, all good...she'll be right mate. Ashburton
  10. subz

    Hive down??

    New Zealand servers are pooh
  11. subz

    Bad Version

    Same bump.. New Zealand servers