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Everything posted by mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

  1. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Creepy Brony fags. Gtfo. If you have a meetup, I will be there and you will die. Every single last one of you creeps. *Warning point given for pointless homophobic insults.
  2. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    If anyone would like to trade for these weapons message me

    Encouraged by who? Last time I checked, duping the fuck out of hacked weapons and then trading them doesnt make the playing field even. Just makes everyone with one of those weapons a twat who will generally use it to sit over Cherno or Electro sniping noobs. Or does that make you the noob? I forget.
  3. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    If anyone would like to trade for these weapons message me

    Posting that you have hacked weapons for trade Well played, sir.
  4. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Why Punish People for a Certain Playstyle?

    The OP is funny as fuck... good read, 5/10 though, too obvious!
  5. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Stolen Admin

    Hi Someone has stolen Admin on our server and is hacking like a mong. We cant log into the admin and it shows that it is offline. Can anyone point me in the right direction or tell me what to do? Regards
  6. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Weapons that you wish were in the game

    Ass Clapper 130!
  7. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    -148815 blood possible?

    What others have said; headshot with an AS50
  8. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Take out .50 cals

    Oh, is this your professional opinion? How many real life zombie apocalypse's in a Russian land have you lived through to build this knowledge based, objective and realistic opinion? Thats what I thought. Shut the fuck up.
  9. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Tents still duping/losing items

    10 or so tents all now empty(had several of every weapon - well, most weapons) with two tents that were crushed by vehicles now back to normal. Blown up tractor back to normal and the two trucks and the two bikes we had are still there. Fix this shit, annoying as fuck.
  10. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Given hacked gear, what now?

    Enjoy using the gear while you have it.
  11. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    UPDATED DAILY: I'm Issuing a Warning to Any Snipers

  12. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    BattlEye: Script Restriction #65

    Great post.
  13. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk


    Ye, saw one this morning. The guy was a hacker though, crashed it in Cherno then doesnt die from the crash nor the 15 rounds I put in his face. He then proceeds to rape me.
  14. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    sound issue

    Bump for some fucking justice, still aint got no fucking sound
  15. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    sound issue

    Bump, nothing I do fixes this crap!
  16. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    sound issue

    Got the same issue here. Really annoying.
  17. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Forever stuck at loading

    Same here with me and several of the guys I play with.
  18. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Server Wide Teleport Hack (Video Proof)

    Thats gay, but pretty hilarious.
  19. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    This is how you deal with Bandit Snipers.

  20. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    I dont understand farmers

    Been there several times yet never seen anything decent. Went north though and ran into some tards.... they had nice stuff ;) But ye, the airfield is balls. Just stick to the Stary Sobor tents.
  21. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Actually DayZ has a ingame Difficulty selector

    The OP is a retard who thinks that his opinion is fact and that we should all play the game his way and never kill anyone. Get real.
  22. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Ever kill someone for playing bad?

    Ye me and my friends have killed noobs for simply being noobs. People who DC'd every few hundred meters, ran another few hundred on another server then came back to the first one and ran some more. Also killed some idiot running around cherno or elektro (dont remember which) who was running around planting road flairs while carrying glow sticks. Just teaching noobs and morons that things have consequences.
  23. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Highest Bandit Kills?

    Reported the post for your 'joke'. Dont tell me to get thicker skin or whatever else you might say because I will simply reply with a good ol 'go fuck yourself'. Joking about people being murdered in cold blood, familys losing loved ones and survivors being scared for life. People like you make me sick.
  24. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    lost another car, what a waste of time

    I think the reason could be to steal your car? Just maybe.
  25. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Character bound to server?

    Yes and no. I dont think that server only characters are needed due to some things others here have mentioned (hacked servers, broken servers, being kicked etc) but what would be decent is a kind of character selection screen. Say a maximum of 5 characters per account and when you log into the server you simply select which one you wish to play. With the whole lose all your crap when you die thing (dont get me wrong, I think its great) having the option to play another character thats not so high risk would be nice once and a while. Running around on my almost 1 week character that has an M107, NVG's, Coyote bag, M4A1 Camo SSD and an M9 SSD can be pretty tense and well, if my team mates arent around its insanely risky for me to be playing at all at the moment.