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Everything posted by mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

  1. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Where do you find the huge Coyote pack?

    On some dead twat I sniped.
  2. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    Random Spawns In-Land?

    Hey A few of my friends and I have been playing around further up north and have managed to get pretty well geared (NVG's, M107's... you name it we have it - apart from ghillie suits *sad face*) and while sniping over the Stary Sobor tents we managed to kill a few players. It was all going well and great until honest to god 5 minutes later they were behind us already geared back up with AS50's and MP5's. We managed to kill them but it was damn hard. So im just wondering if there is a bug that spawns you really far north or whether these people were hacking. Thanks
  3. mattygarry@hotmail.co.uk

    congrats Hellspawn US469 on your DC/Ghost kill

    I love you.