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Everything posted by Fragaholik

  1. Fragaholik

    noob kill more noobs :D

    Yo imma jackin' your beans.
  2. Fragaholik


    Is there any way I can dislike a post? Can I jack OP's beans?
  3. Fragaholik

    Bandits, Survivors or Abusers.

    What a man does in war does not make him who he is.
  4. Fragaholik

    20 Second Abort wait.

    As the titles implies. A 20 second abort wait could help with serverhopping/deathdodging. And maybe perma-keybinding ALTF4 to suicide before exiting, lol. Maybe exiting the game though ALTF4 too many times in a days starts to add 5 minute ban that keep increasing the more you do it. I know you have a mechanic to to be placed in to stop server hopping, but I don't know if anyone ever thought of the 20 second delay. ( I'm sure someone has though.) ily EDIT: Oh, and disabling Abort while unconscious/ 1-2 minutes after taking dmg from zombie/player.
  5. Fragaholik

    20 Second Abort wait.

    You're right, I apologize.
  6. Fragaholik

    Damaging items.

    Just thought of this idea while watching a Bandit hold-up a guy for his loot, rather than killing him. How about, when you take damage, zombies, bullets, etc... there's a chance than weapons, tools, any items you have in your pack to be destroyed, or just broken. Weapons and tools being bigger have a higher chance of damage. I believe this would promote people working together, rather than KOS for loot, or adding the personal feel of actually holding up your target and negotiating. Feel free to add on to this, I haven't thought the many many consequences this would create. But just an idea.