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Everything posted by Arylex

  1. Same here man! I have the 1st problem. I sent a ticket in, If I get any response, Ill alert you.
  2. Hey guys, I have a very strange bug, which pretty much means anything I do is for nothing. This is what I put on the reddit.com/r/dayz post "Hello, I'm not sure if this Is a known bug or not, but I couldn't find anything online about it. Sorry if this is abit hard to follow I spawned at "point A" with a cross bow and g17, played for about 5 hours, I had a shotgun and some goods, I find a safe spot to disconnect (Point B) and I do. When I connect back in, I spawned at "Point B" but with my original inventory (Crossbow and g17). I was really annoy, and asked a couple of friends, no one had any clue, they said "respawn, that my fix it", so I respawned. I spawned somewhere along the coast, ran 100m away from spawn and dropped all of my gear I spawned with, and disconnected. When I respawned, I respawned where I disconnect but with my original items that I dropped. So no matter what I do, my inventory restarts. Anyone know what's happening?" So that is my Issue. I got one reply back saying "Desync from hive. I'd suggest a new server." So I did what he suggested (Swapped server), But same problem, I would spawn, run for 10 minutes, get attacked by a zombie, Bandage myself and then disconnect. When I reconnect, I would have lost my blood and be where I disconnected, But spawn with my bandage again. Anyone know what's up? EDIT: Sorry about the font and formatting, I just can't get it to work right