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Everything posted by j_riddell@live.com

  1. j_riddell@live.com

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    As long as the PC version is properly built and comes first, then there is no reason not to have a version for consoles. If you don't like playing consoles, don't, but that doesn't mean people who do enjoy consoles should miss out on a good games. The PC version isn't dumbed down if it comes first and is made correctly, so this isn't effecting a PC gamer in any way.
  2. This is not true. It's a perception you might hold because the title of moderator usually has some level of authority connected to it, but that doesn't mean someone who is a moderator can no longer have a personal opinion that doesn't reflect the views of other moderators. They're not a hive mind.
  3. Nice statistics. Where'd they come from again?
  4. j_riddell@live.com

    Hero Skin?

    I like how people seem to think the return of these skins will lessen the KOS. Nope. It will make it worse. Because often times you can have people who might be listed as a "bandit" who might decide to help a bunch of people one day. Or for a week. Or two. That's not going to happen if they're easily recognized as a bandit, because now they won't bother helping at all to ensure some trigger happy survivor doesn't shoot them. Might be a rare case, but I see it all the time.
  5. j_riddell@live.com

    Play what you paid for

    That's an incorrect assumption. You assume just because he's killed people, he also doesn't meet people. Please provide some empirical evidence that suggests that if you kill people, you also can not meet people and group up with them. Sandbox game. Play it how you want, end of story.
  6. j_riddell@live.com

    Dude... what the hell?

    Also expect to be reported for spamming.
  7. j_riddell@live.com

    Waste of $30 and some time

    You did not pay $30 for DayZ. You paid $30 for Arma 2, which is a benefit of having Arma 2. You're not entitled to anything.
  8. I like organized events like this.
  9. Aw, someone got killed by bandits. Lol, implying banditry is "losing momentum".
  10. j_riddell@live.com

    DE 809 - Hosted by PurifiedRP.com

    Well, if it's as good as these claims I'll try it out. Seems to be down right now, though.
  11. j_riddell@live.com

    Found Soldier Clothing

    Well, at least you stopped with the attempted logical debating.
  12. j_riddell@live.com

    us186 banned no reason

    Ahh, what a professional admin. I always love seeing what counts as proper behavior for server admins on these forums.
  13. j_riddell@live.com

    Found Soldier Clothing

    Straw-man. Straw-man. Mostly just idiocy. Talk about fallacious reasoning.
  14. Please provide the relevant link to the evidence that shows a substantial or significant decrease in the DayZ playerbase, over a set period of time, which would indicate that people are leaving the game at a worrisome rate. Oh wait.
  15. j_riddell@live.com

    Camo and full items?

    I'm not sure what you mean by full items, but camo clothing is a skin.
  16. j_riddell@live.com

    'Realism' arguments need to be left out

    Flawed logic. Maybe some people like realism in their games. You just finished saying this is a game supposed to be whatever people want it to be. What if the majority of people want realism?
  17. j_riddell@live.com

    Until duping is fixed...

    It won't, but you'll never be able to convince everyone of fact.
  18. j_riddell@live.com

    Why this mod is failing

    I'm not making a solid claim. I'm saying that one only needs to look at the majority of posts on the forums, or the games playerbase itself, to see that it is incorrect to make a statement along the lines of "this mod is failing". No. Because any claim that the mod is failing is simply from a personal and subjective stand point. End of story. Until someone can provide actual statistics that shows a decline in the playerbase, this can't really change. You should keep in mind that I am not necessarily saying the OP doesn't have valid points. But I am most definitely saying that the argument needs to be worded much, much better.
  19. j_riddell@live.com

    Why this mod is failing

    I don't remember saying this at all. What I did say was that I would without hesitation kill another human being (in a scenario such as a real world zombie apocolypse, or any apocolypse situation for that matter) if I had a hint that they were a threat to my own survival, my families survival, or the survival of my immediate friends. You're absolutely right I would. In the context of a real survival situation, a real-life zombie apocolypse. ANd what do you know, that's how I operate in DayZ as well.
  20. j_riddell@live.com

    Why this mod is failing

    Do you? The majority of people with legitimate arguments against you are not saying that you are crying about bandits. They're saying that you're not wording your agument correctly, and you even admitted it yourself. But then you continue to make claims about the mod failing, or the mod not being fun. You are wrong. What you are right about is that the mod is not working as intended for you. It is not fun for you. It is constrained for you. You have absolutely no evidence to the contrary. You have nothing but speculation that new players will not keep playing. The majority of people are having fun, and not experiencing these issues you keep trying to say are present. The game has a steep learning curve. That's where that ends. Your claim that it is impossible for new players is laughable. It quite clearly isn't, even if they don't read up on the game. On the flip side, it takes about 30 seconds of reading to understand the basics and then learn from there the best way to survive, where to find loot, etc. I have purchased ARMA 2: OA for 6 people including myself, the majority of them casual gamers. They have no issues for this game. As seen by activity on the forums, even the majority of newer players here are not having issues with the game. It's alright to have an opinion, but you keep using words that try to label it as fact. It clearly isn't. Your perception of the mod failing, and it's issues, are personal. Just because some people agree with you doesn't suddenly make it fact, either. It's a simple matter of wording your argument.
  21. j_riddell@live.com

    Why this mod is failing

    If you're not playing ARMA 2 and Expansions, then yes you did waste your money. People need to understand that they did not pay for DayZ. DayZ is free. This is your personal experience and not fact, or even remotely close to being fact as seen by the majority of players.
  22. j_riddell@live.com

    Whats this thunderdome crap

    There is no official punishment for using hacked items, the punishment is for the one who hacked them in to the game. That seems to be the most common claim, anyway.
  23. j_riddell@live.com

    Why this mod is failing

    Pressuring people to work together is as bad as removing bandits. This mod will never have a feature that forces or pressures people to play a certain way. The fact that it doesn't is why the majority of current players love the mod, and to change that formula risks loosing way more players than you lose by not giving in to the demands of people who don't like bandits.
  24. j_riddell@live.com

    Why this mod is failing

    That's not what most people are claiming. But alright. I would absolutely without hesitation kill someone who was a threat to my own or my families and friends safety, in any way available to me at the time, in a situation such as a real zombie apocolypse. On sight, after knowing them for a few days, doesn't matter. In a real apocolyptic situation, my own and my families survival comes first. In a real survival situation, if I get one hint that my safety or my families safety is in jeoprody, that's enough. An apocolypse is an end of the world scenario, an end to rules and organization. If not, it's not an apocolypse. The idea that humanity would band together in such a scenario and disregard personal safety and the safety of their immediate friends and family, disregard survival, is laughable. This has nothing to do with being a pessimist. Similarly, trying to make the claim that this outlook makes someone a "Kill everyone in sight maniac" is laughable. It's a straw-man.
  25. j_riddell@live.com

    Why this mod is failing

    I do agree with almost everything in your post, but I wouldn't be so sure about this part.