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Everything posted by doomdesire

  1. Hey, I just added you and my steam id is krizzyy
  2. doomdesire

    Seeking active and mature players.

    I just sent you one, ( im new btw, like, literally new)
  3. doomdesire

    [CoastGuards] Recruiting

    Hi I would like to join your group but I just got the game yesterday so I may not have much experience. I am willing to learn from you guys though and ultimately benefit the group =) Just want to have fun as a group! Please let me know if I can join you guys!
  4. - Username/Handle: doomdesire - Age: 20 - Why do you want to join Team Reign?: because I would like to play as a team and get the best experience out of it. - How many hours of DayZ do you play on a daily bases?: installing but it is the kind of game I like. So I will spend around 4-5 hours everyday - Do you Teamspeak?: Yes - Do you have a microphone?: Yes - Anything else you would like to add?: Just want to play as a team and I will do whatever I can to benefit the whole team Thanks!!