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About Etmer

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. I think the "blinding" you are talking about is the dead soldier prop emitting artifacts. I never got the blinding effect with barbed wire at all. Though what I WISHED would happen is that barbed wire applied to ZOMBIES. I mean its just useless or a waste of space if it cant block off zombies. I think both the user and the person entering the area are not benefited because of the wire unless someone actually took the time and effort to make a maze barricade. Otherwise, if you wire off all the entrances, you are trapped inside the building and nobody can get in. Unless you use a toolbox or a crowbar or something.
  2. Etmer

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Hacker

    Me either, though that doesn't mean that you should enjoy the event. A lot of my friends has been looking for a ghilie suit ever since was released and they could never find one. The hacker gave you a ghilie suit within seconds. Like what I said, I do not think you should accept hacked stuff since it is pretty unfair to others. The least I would do is to hide all the hacked stuff in some bush. Imo, its basically hacking yourself.
  3. Etmer

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Hacker

    I have to agree with Atanar. Getting hacked stuff that would otherwise be extremely hard to get in an instant is game breaking. This might be fun for you because you are directly benefited. But how about the people who worked very hard getting the same loot legitimately? It would take days, maybe even weeks to get everything you got within seconds. That is not fair at all.
  4. Etmer

    how to stop campimg sniper bandits

    I honestly had MW3 pop on into my head when I saw this idea. Like that Kill Confirmed gamemode where you had to pick up their dog tags to get the points. In my opinion this idea isn't too "direct" on the main point.
  5. I find the main cities good to kill people in. I go there for easy loot. Cherno is deserted right now due to the glitches, though Elektro is circulating with players.
  6. Etmer

    Day Z Wallpapers by Sneckz

    Someone spilled their coffee all over the map it seems xD Anyway, they are pretty good, though the beans one seem like a pattern.
  7. Etmer

    Zombies never die... hear me out

    I agree... zombies do not feel pain and just lose the ability to pursue it's victim, unless shot at the "control panel". In the other hand... zombies are a fairy tale.
  8. Etmer

    Graphical Issues

    At this rate I think at least one developer would be aware of this bug by now...
  9. Etmer


    If I shoot a zombie the arrow is literally invisible for me :'c
  10. Etmer

    Graphical Issue near balota

    I can CONFIRM that I only get these glitches around military areas. However, I find it strange that I could look at a military area fine at first, but when I disconnected and joined the same server, I got the problems.
  11. Well I guess this has been said too many times in the DayZ forums but... Kill or be killed. I would had shot you if I saw you with a gun in the corner, in fact I'd cough my heart out in surprise. And a tip... Do not disconnect in looting buildings ESPECIALLY in a Supermarket.
  12. Agreed. People have different ways to play a game, I do not think ANY of the difficulties need to be removed.
  13. Etmer

    Texture fails?

    Didnt work.
  14. It didn't work :'c EDIT: I think it has to do with military camps. Many people are saying this is happening around a military camp/anything military related. I am only getting this artifact when I zoom into the military camp in Berz!
  15. Aye, I bought Arma just to get DayZ too. I spawned next to the airfield around cherno, AT NIGHT. I get freaked out and join another server. It was day, so I continued into the airfield. I get chased by zombies until I saw a woman character standing up. I HONESTLY THOUGHT SHE WAS A BOT. Then I figured out that the mumbling was actually someone talking, I didn't know why I can't hear people talk that well. Anyway, we went to a tower and we start talking to each other. Then we found ANOTHER survivor which was also unarmed and he says to me "put your flashlight down, lol." over voice. I thought that I could had used the flashlight as some sort of weapon, so that is why I had it out. We then crouch walk out of the airfield to be sniped by a bandit. I was the first victim.