I agree 100% to the zombies being too fast. If the zombies were only as fast as a survivor than you'd be able to slowly out pace them by making better turns on this and that. You already do it by dodging between trees and bushes or around/through buildings so why have the zombies be so unbelievably fast? It's not like it makes the game any more realistic having the zombies zoom at twice your speed. The zombies are only dead people and they should only run as fast as a person right? It's also not like it makes the game any harder really, because they stop to attack and if you keep running away from them than they'll never hit you so all it does it make you run until you find a hill or building to run up or through respectively. If the zombies were as fast as a person than you'd be able to zig zag in between trees or the zombies would zig zag (because that's the only way they run) and fall behind you then finally you'd be able to get away.