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The True Nova

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About The True Nova

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ehh? Somewhere in Chernarus
  • Interests
    Gaming, basketball, fishing, backgammon, swimming. Stuff

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  • Bio
    My real name is Nova and a lot of people don't believe me without valid proof.
  1. The True Nova

    Laptop players? Your specs

    7970 radeon grahpics card ddr5 6g ram Intel I7 processer 3rd generation
  2. The True Nova

    Safe zone AWESOME idea! (IMO)

    Oh my I do believe we have another person butthurt that a 8 year old with an intervention quick scoped him one too many times. Seriously, I hate CoD but not everyone is fanboy of it... Anyway, I have stated in one of these threads before that a form of safe zone must be only implemented through players. I think what I had said was that a player and or group of players could temporarily liberate a city and or town from zombies for a couple of hours and keep it as a safe zone. The spawning of items would be cut by 50% or so the buildings don't yield as many items in the hour or so the city is zombie free. After a while, zombies start spawning again and then must be cleared out to maintain the "safe zone" Or the NPC version of it, once a town is liberated, a few npc's spawn with lower tier weapons that help defend the city from zombie waves as in ever 20-30 minutes 20 zombies will spawn per guard and the amount of guards will only be about 4-6 and will be placed a key locations in the city. This one is fairly unlikely but just a thought because I am against on having npc guards.
  3. The True Nova

    Lingor Island, Hacked weapons already

    I find it funny that people get pissed off when people kill each other when that is the base of the game. I myself am not a bandit and do not and will not kill without reason. Still, people (pardon my language) bitch and moan about people killing each other in the main cities. Solution?? don't go to main cities and another note, you just spawned, you got nothing to lose anyway and you will probably spawn somewhere else lol. Cuz, the guy camping the airfield isn't as bad as the guy camping cherno, same shit different situation. Regarding hacked in weapons.... Think of it this way.... someone finds a crate of guns and says oh this is cool. Grabs a butt load of crap and says to himself sweet I don't have to spend hours on end finding junk besides, this is only game. Then the admin comes in only to ban an innocent person who happened upon a load of goods rather than banning the person who spawned them in the first place. Also, don't give me that real life crap and what not, until you have the proper tools to track who did this and did that, don't be a dick by banning people who have hacked gear because it is part of the mod after all. Just not through legitimate means. My point is that regardless of whether or not a person has illegitimate items, the same damage can be done with normal weapons therefore doing little or nothing to prevent anything and merely pissing off a lot of people.
  4. The True Nova

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Either remove it or fix it. By fixing I mean, allow your character to vault over it with a chance of bleeding and make it so zombies can't pass through it with getting stuck for a while. Otherwise, remove it until further notice.
  5. The True Nova

    Hackers ruin dayz

    I play on a private server now so I don't worry about that crap anymore and I got to say it's magical.
  6. The True Nova

    [Video] The revolver is too weak (Random wayz part 19)

    Blame arma, not day z lol.
  7. The True Nova

    Becoming the very thing I hated

    I hate hoarding so much that I don't bother with a tent and making a camp. My days on dayz are litterally roaming trying to survive the next bandit attack and I have had my character for about a good 8 hour life span which is pretty small but I survived 4 attacks from bandits lulz. I usually hang out on the coast and help others but enjoy owning the asshole sniper that comes along.
  8. I am going to say this... NEVER BUY A ALIENWARE DESKTOP!! You can build one yourself 5 times better and over half the price. However, their laptops cost a pretty penny but you can't build yourself a laptop or if you can it will be difficult. I bought the m17 x laptop with a radeon 7970 with a upgraded processer for around 1700 and I can play pretty much anything with no problems on maximum settings. If you need a laptop that run games well get a alienware, if not, build your own desktop.
  9. The True Nova


    I would rather have your humanity go up a little bit if you killed a bandit and by a little bit I meant about 100-200; similar to how giving blood transfusions work.
  10. The True Nova

    [VIDEO] Trolling campers with c4

    Is it arma?? Is it really??? cuz i am too stupid to know.
  11. The True Nova

    Not all hackers are bad

    In my opinion, the only ones who impact you significantly are the ones who thunderdome or kill everyone on the server. The ones who do those stupid raining cows crap is funny as hell. Or those that stalk you for the entire time your playing but never kill you are great as well. Still don't like it though...
  12. The True Nova

    help me someone please.

    I am not trying to be an ass but if you broke a bone and can't get anyone to help. Chances are you are dead for not preparing and should serve as a reminder to trust only yourself and those you know personally. Also let this be a lesson to always learn from your mistakes. Still sucks though.
  13. The True Nova

    New at dayz and I have a problem...

    Yea I bought the m17 r4 as well and it runs it pretty well on high settings with a graphics card half as good as yours. Mines the radeon 7970 but still allows me to play crysis and other games on max with no problems whatsoever. Cost me 1800 bucks but if you can't spend as much build a pc for less than half the price.
  14. The True Nova

    damn snipers

    I would much rather be killed by a sniper and know where his general vicinity was because and then go back and sneak up on him and take his stuff lolz. I did it once before and got a m16 acog lol although he turned around and shot me as I picked it up.
  15. The True Nova

    Alt+F4 helps, End Task does the same.

    Yes it is annoying and nothing can be done so stop bitching and moaning when it isn't going to get you anywhere. I can't tell you how many times some asshole who tried to kill me disconnected when I turned and shot him.