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Everything posted by ITsniper

  1. ITsniper

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Hey all, just coming to give some feedback. Just been playing for a few days now, got about 15hrs of game time in dayz and am loving it. I like the new update with the zombie increase, so far its been sitting at around 500 zeds on the servers I have managed to get into and found it to be a good number. I like how they bunch around the city's and buildings and thin out as the towns get smaller etc. I also like how there are not many zombies out in the wild, I believe it should stay that way, because if not it will make traveling from town town a very slow process and frankly, quite annoying. The only time I should expect to see zeds in the wild is if they have just chased down a kill and are feeding. I also noticed the player killing can be a problem sometimes, I have experienced it my self and I have also done player killing myself. My opinion on this is; I like how you have the bandit skin feature, I know its not realistic, but then again if you make it too realistic it will detract from the fun. But I think its good because it makes people choose, which in a way creates a bit of order. The last thing I want is this to become a big death match, I get enough of that senseless boring brain dead crap from call of duty, I don't need it or want it in this ("finally, someone made a good mod, I cant believe a big name game developer STILL can't even do it right") mod. A good thing about the bandit skin also is it makes me choose to not be a bandit, because now I know being a bandit has just decreased my odds of survival because now I have everyone shooting me on site, where as before they might just be wary of me and leave me alone. I know if I see a bandit, ill be shooting first, asking questions later. When I see a civ I just be aware and stay hidden until there gone. Again this is encouraging not to go out an kill everything attitude. I also noticed a few posts mentioned in the other forums about adding weapon durability because its realistic for your weapon to jam and break after firing a few clips through it lol. I appose this simply because weapon durability in games are never realistic and if anyone has ever owned a gun, you don't throw it out after firing a few clips through it, and no it doesn't jam either, if you wanted to get realistic, you could fire a few thousand rounds through your rifle and it will still keep on firing with at the most, you will need some basic cleaning. As for jamming, comes down to the rifle and the design of the action, if shit gets in there, it may jam, maybe you might get double feed jams. My point is jams are rare and they are usually caused by the careless rifle owner. A few things I would like added, the ability to board up doors and windows to prevent zeds seeing you and coming into the house, you simply un-board the door and exit and away you go. Not sure if that's possible with arma 2's engine, you guys will know that. Also I'm not sure if this is in the mod or not, haven't heard it mentioned, but is the construction feature implemented in, so outposts can be constructed that are zombie free, and people can come together to meet, trade and group up for help, maybe add some missions like the armory, except you can choose them from a menu if possible.
  2. ITsniper

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Hey all, just coming to give some feedback. Just been playing for a few days now, got about 15hrs of game time in dayz and am loving it. I like the new update with the zombie increase, so far its been sitting at around 500 zeds on the servers I have managed to get into and found it to be a good number. I like how they bunch around the city's and buildings and thin out as the towns get smaller etc. I also like how there are not many zombies out in the wild, I believe it should stay that way, because if not it will make traveling from town town a very slow process and frankly, quite annoying. The only time I should expect to see zeds in the wild is if they have just chased down a kill and are feeding. I also noticed the player killing can be a problem sometimes, I have experienced it my self and I have also done player killing myself. My opinion on this is; I like how you have the bandit skin feature, I know its not realistic, but then again if you make it too realistic it will detract from the fun. But I think its good because it makes people choose, which in a way creates a bit of order. The last thing I want is this to become a big death match, I get enough of that senseless boring brain dead crap from call of duty, I don't need it or want it in this ("finally, someone made a good mod, I cant believe a big name game developer STILL can't even do it right") mod. A good thing about the bandit skin also is it makes me choose to not be a bandit, because now I know being a bandit has just decreased my odds of survival because now I have everyone shooting me on site, where as before they might just be wary of me and leave me alone. I know if I see a bandit, ill be shooting first, asking questions later. When I see a civ I just take not and stay hidden until there gone. Again this is discouraging PVP I always like to say, keep it stupid simple. I also noticed a few posts mentioned in the other forums about adding weapon durability because its realistic for your weapon to jam and break after firing a few clips through it lol. I appose this simply because weapon durability in games are never realistic and if anyone has ever owned a gun, you don't throw it out after firing a few clips through it, and no it doesn't jam either, if you wanted to get realistic, you could fire a few thousand rounds through your rifle and it will still keep on firing with at the most, you will need some basic cleaning. As for jamming, comes down to the rifle and the design of the action, if shit gets in there, and I mean a lot of shit, it may jam, maybe you might get double feed jams. My point is jams are rare and they are usually caused by the rifle owner.