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Everything posted by Nalyid

  1. Nalyid

    Did someone hack me?

    I don't think they will care. You will die soon enough, drop the stuff, or enjoy it.
  2. I would like a hidden massage.
  3. Nalyid

    Some weird stuff happening....

    I found a crate loaded with enough gear to supply an American invasion. I just took a wookie suite and dmr after I had a look at the m107. I was not sure at that point if it was a banable offense or not so I just played it safe. 3 npc survivors were lying around it, it was very strange to see.
  4. Looks great, I just hope you guys don't plan on making it so guns take up soo many extra spaces like in the mod.
  5. Nalyid

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    Punt your 12 year old friend in his jewels. /Thread
  6. Nalyid

    Looking a brony clan.

    dit button. Also craigs list is probably a good place to locate bronies.
  7. Nalyid

    Looking a brony clan.

    push the e
  8. Nalyid


  9. Nalyid

    Do You Play DayZ in the Nude?

    I should have seen that coming.
  10. Nalyid

    Do You Play DayZ in the Nude?

    I will from now on!
  11. Nalyid

    Hey, help me out!

    You will not be banned for having hacked items. Toss the radio it's useless. Unless it makes you feel special. :)
  12. Nalyid

    People Leaving DayZ

    >That profile picture..... :o :o :o
  13. For all you know he ran out of beans and his face is being chewed off by zombies. What were you going to do with the M107, snipe new spawns in electro?
  14. DayZ Will be it's own game, and in no way connect with any of the arma games.
  15. Nalyid

    Tent Hunting Success! Interesting Story!

    Was it not enough to find tons of gear, why would you destroy the tents? I'm really getting tired of the community that comes along with dayz. Don't know how interested I am in getting the stand alone. It will depend on how much they fix at the start I guess.
  16. Nalyid

    DayZ in 10 seconds

    I wish I could play that version.
  17. Nalyid

    Beware of the Sharks!

    I don't get it.
  18. Nalyid

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    They are neck beard mouth breathers just like soo many gamers. Dayz Is like bacon wraped bacon dipped in chocolate and deep fried.
  19. Nalyid

    Alt+F4 doesn't work?

    What a hilarious pile of spam upon spam.
  20. I mean riddled with bugs and full of holes. I want this game to be good. I want to eat soo many stand alone beans.
  21. Nalyid

    I have a bicycle to trade.

    You're a dick, but it made me laugh.
  22. Ok. Good luck with that. You will be back, they always come back. Unless they have been hiding it from us for at least a year or two, stand alone day z is years away. Unless they want their stand alone to perform like their alpha mod.