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Everything posted by RunawayEmu

  1. RunawayEmu

    F*** 50's

    I think 50 cal snipers should be out of the game. They truly server no purpose other than to kill people. I had a 3 man sniper team b4 and that is the one and only thing it is good for. I guess the same could go for all scoped rifles...
  2. RunawayEmu

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    I guess he's just lucky it wasn't me behind him. I would have dropped the sh*t outta him and taken everything :)
  3. He's making it a standalone... No need for Arma 3
  4. RunawayEmu

    Helicopter Crash

    So i was playing w/ my friend and brother. We found someone's HQ and looted their tents. After looting (nothing interesting found), my brother saw smoke. He led us to the smoke and he carefully approached the helicopter while my friend and i stayed on overwatch. To our dissapointment, it was the wreckage of some unfortunate pilot's Huey. :(
  5. RunawayEmu

    Connecting Failed

    Friend is having same issue. Sometimes one in 50 servers he can get into, but i can't see them in six launcher.