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Everything posted by sm00tje

  1. sm00tje

    Hilarious Chaos

    I really have to share this video I just found. Hilarious stuff. Take note that I am not the owner of the video.
  2. The westside of the map is your friend! If I spawn fresh I walk straight to Zelenogorsk with enough towns to loot food, drinks and clothes on the way. With the occasional walk on the wildside to Balota/Cherno. Make sure to check the military base near Zeleno. After checking Zeleno I travel up to Pustovka/Vybor and sometimes check green mountain. Theres also a military base south of the NWAF, close to vybor which is always worth checking out. By this time you should be geared up like Rambo which can be done from anyone in under 3 hours. From here you are free to go where ever you want. Check other nearby military bases, check NWAF, Vybor, go back to Zeleno or even Cherno/Balota and repeat. Hope this helps for your next run. To me serverhopping is not needed, also I don't use maps wether the ingame one nor any of the metamaps. This has been achieved in 3-5 hours just roaming the westside of the map. I also have 2 plastic cases, an ammubox full of ammunition, 2 medical cases and a binocular. Hope this helps! Edit: Btw if you ever come across Robin Sparkles and Charlie Waffles leave the server immediately ;) My Girlfriend is a fucking psychopath. She even killed me once. :lol:
  3. sm00tje

    Sneaky Sniping

    Cool encounter, though it would have been much more intense on hardcore. I just don't like that 3pp around the edge of the wall, you just wouldn't have known if anyone is watching the stairs or where they are at, without risking a peak and getting shot. The idea to snipe the windows was great. Don't get me wrong, when I play on regular I do this 3pp thing too just because I can, that's why I play hardcore mostly. Guess I am just one of those munchkins.
  4. You need 10h+ to get geared up?!
  5. sm00tje


    There have been suggestions about it, already. Dean at some point said he would love to see underground bases and building. Still as of now, there is nothing under the map besides water/nothing, correct me if I am wrong. Use the search function next time ;)
  6. sm00tje

    [GGM8] Good Game Mate

    Good amount of players.
  7. sm00tje

    Trouble with Dayz

    the six launcher should provide every files you need in order to play on any of the servers. Make sure you are using the same version of arma and the mod. Also make sure you aren't trying to connect to a server which uses a different mod, e.g Epoch or if you really want to play on that server, download the mod e.g Epoch then.
  8. sm00tje

    How DayZ Makes Me Feel - 2:51 Montage

    "Hello, hello, no, no, stop, no, no, no, hello, don't worry, don't do it, no, no, no, you don't have to do it." *Boom* 'You are dead' - awesome stuff :D
  9. sm00tje

    Fed up with this game

    *clicks* I understand.
  10. sm00tje

    Fed up with this game

    but. BUT. BUT! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/6794-i-give-up-this-game-is-bull-i-want-my-money-back/
  11. sm00tje

    Questions about the SKS

    Eject all ammo! count your ammo, attach your ammo, see how much ammo is left. Now you know how much is in there, simple as that. The gun itself doesn't show how much ammo is in, so you don't know how much is in there and have to count your shots! Pretty realistic if you ask me. edit: btw everything you need to know - http://dayz.gamepedia.com/SKS - you know how to google, right? :P
  12. sm00tje

    The Adventures of Jimmy "Three Fingers"

    Could be interesting, love the crazyness! But you do realize one can hear your taps on the keyboard? Kind of ruins the atmo imo.
  13. sm00tje

    How To MAXIMIZE Your Frames In DayZ

    exactly and it isn't even 100% of what's known! there is so much more you can do.
  14. sm00tje

    How To MAXIMIZE Your Frames In DayZ

    Yeah right, why edit the old thread, when you just can post a new one! <_<
  15. sm00tje

    What is the longest you have survived?

    I think you are refering to your peniZ
  16. sm00tje

    What is the longest you have survived?

    Does anyone read me? THAT'S THE FOCKING DIARY! edit: or also called journal. and I would definetly be againt it being in the players list. This would tell you a lot about the other player. How would you know how many bandits/heroes he killed? How many shots he fired? and so on and so forth.
  17. sm00tje

    What is the longest you have survived?

    Called Diary and is unbound on default, doesn't work though as far as I know.
  18. sm00tje

    DayZ T-Shirt Designs

    Screw you xD - spilled my beer, lmfao.
  19. sm00tje

    Delta-Zone DayZ Standalone

    Is there a ts3 server?
  20. sm00tje

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    First game to be released on quantum computers: DayZ
  21. Um, I have no idea what oyu are talking about, maybe a screenshot would help?
  22. sm00tje

    DayZ used to be so good.

    Well, as said maybe you just need a break. From what I can read between the lines you'll be back right away anyway ;) edit: woops maybe a vid of a different game in the general discussion isn't a good idea.. *cough cough* erm will send it to you via pm.
  23. sm00tje

    Whisper in direct comms

    All in for it!
  24. sm00tje

    Delay on posting changelogs

    I try to avoid them at first to see if there are any noticeable and visual changes. I dont really care much, if they are posted later that day.