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Everything posted by Kylez

  1. So I just purchased a server off DayZ st. It's been getting considerable attention and the main issue is how either vehicles I'm used to see on most servers are spawning where they are supposed to, or the vehicles that are on the map are either out of fuel or broken, or both. If any links could be given to me or helpful advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Kylez

    Australian DayZ Community

    Hey guys we are a group of Australian players from all over Australia who love to play DayZ and we are building a large community, we have our own servers and website and now our Facebook page has be made and is looking for likes, various videos, pictures and game announcements will be announced through the page and even to let people know when we are going to get our game on! Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/AusDayz All our details are on the page, you can join the AusDayZ clan by visiting our forums and signing up and dropping a comment in the new players thread to be welcomed by our other friendly players. AusDayZ Forums and Sign up - http://ausdayz.com/forum/index.php?sid=baa67f0ca97c8bfce779118f8df48a85
  3. I walk into the grocery store of cherno and I see a bandit player,I have had my run in's with other players and have given up on being the nice guy, in this situation I'm glad I did, the player was checking loot and I decided to shoot him, the player then jumped on voice chat (sounded like a 13 year old boy) and told me to chill as he hid behind one of the shelving racks and then he decided to shoot back at me over the top, with not one shot actually hitting me...silly silly boy I can shoot through those shelves, simple to say a quick and easy kill, my question is to the veteran players, how do you approach other players out in DayZ? Are you kind and willing to trust others or do you go straight for the kill?
  4. Kylez

    Stuck in coma

    Me and 7 people on teamspeak were put into a coma in different locations on the map, the timer isn't going down, curious what I can do to fix this game breaking issue.
  5. Kylez

    Stuck in coma

    Tried and isn't working
  6. US 1526 - Just got dumped with every player on the server in one town and the guy said deathmatch everybody dies, me and my friend were almost at Stary, and he ended up dumping us near the east coast I think, exited out of the game in a hurry. Getting really sick of these hackers.
  7. Before you begin I GET IT, in this game you can't trust anyone..but this one guy going by the name of Mike ((2) is the killer im sure, first I died from a broken leg I got after his avatar lightly brushed mine in a door way, after begging me not to kill him, of which I gave mercy and even gave him supplies and asked to join with me, we then met another survivor who seemed to be cool, that guy then after 2 hours and running up to the hills of Elektro and building a fire and getting ready to cook meat decides to kill me. Wish this game had some way of contacting other players cause who spends that amount of time and then kills you..Again I get this is DayZ, just never played a game like this in my life before..
  8. So got sent to the wilderness on sg #500 and now since we can not respawn I am stuck out here any solutions?
  9. Kylez

    Stuck in wilderness

    And yes I'm tried different servers but this is a problem they need to fix
  10. Kylez

    Stuck in wilderness

    I've got a compass, GPS and I can see my marker on the map, I'm almost at Kamenka
  11. Kylez

    Screen Tearing

    Playing with a friend and we both have different kinds of internet and the tearing is just so bad, any explanation as to why this is?
  12. Kylez


    Hahaha what the hell?!?
  13. Was on with a mate on server anz 3 and after killing a well stocked up bandit, who had some very impressive kit on him we then decided to of course loot him. After doing so several zombies entered the building where we had killed the bandit, there was at least 30 zombies and we found this very strange as we have never encountered that many in one place especially when our guns don't let off that much noise and I was using a silenced M9, it was in Cherno. After killing the zombies we were then kicked from the kick and this seemed very suspicious.
  14. like the title says, I've heard they sometimes even mean the server is about to restart but I may be wrong.
  15. Im sure your not alone lol
  16. Am I the only one who has these constant issues with these launcher? Some days they work fine and others they keep shutting down and windows says "So and So has stopped working", before it has even loaded up or it will load up and will shut down after being open for a while.
  17. Yeah I am, It's working okay now though, I've been using DayZ commander as being able to see what time it is on the server helps a great deal lol, just had to restart my computer after updating Arma II, that seemed to be the issue.
  18. Kylez

    Bad serial number given in setup?

    Yeah just launch operation arrowhead, then exit it and try dayZ again.
  19. Killed for a toolbox man that's harsh, I was killed and my loot wasn't even that great
  20. I do have people I play with and I agree voice chat in the game has it's ups and downs and that skype is by far the best way to communicate as I do it with a mate whenever he's on, but when I like to play on my own I am truly alone and it would be nice to trust strangers, well after today I know I can't.
  21. True it just sucks that even IN game I'm not that kind of person, and I love this game, I do have a mate from a clan I've been in for a few years but tonight was just amazing to me that these guys spent 3 hours maybe more with me and I run off the get meat from a goat, and return to them and they kill me, fair call I had a heap of decent gear, minus the gun as the double barrell is as loud as anything. shame they seemed like decent blokes, wish this game had a friend system like the Playstation network or Xbox Live, would make it seem more personal.
  22. Sorry if this has been asked before but it is annoying as hell, I had a few issues with Operation arrowhead so I had to reinstall it, so I then went to log on to DayZ and since then Im logged on for maybe 5 seconds and I get kicked for no reason.
  23. This happens to me my first time and found out you have to start up operation arrowhead, then exit and try the six launcher again that should work.
  24. That's the issue I'm not being told anything it just says "you have been kicked from the game"