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About Bender2012

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Bio
    Game alot, work, and played Dayz 1 day and was hooked. Like most I only bought arma 2 for Dayz Mod, was not interested in the game until I was told about this.
  1. Bender2012

    Looking for Good Players

    what is a bump?
  2. Bender2012

    Glitches work around

    i changed my texture detail from high to low and glitches dissapeared, set it back to hi and im fine..that was juts my way, differetn for everyone i guess :P
  3. Bender2012

    Looking for Good Players

    from 10-11 to 26 atm thats not bad tbh
  4. Bender2012

    Looking for Good Players

    ye texas = 63 ping stable unless im tabbed out doing stuff can go up to 90..
  5. are u updated to latest version for arma and dayz? other then that no, admins pretty much cant do anything to modify the server tbh
  6. Bender2012

    Delete this please.

    that guy sounds like a total asshole.
  7. Bender2012

    My Guns for your ???

    Bump, also have ventrilo server. Just hoping i can get this done tonight while low traffic in most servers.
  8. Bender2012

    My Guns for your ???

    well its me and 2 other friends...actually soon to be 4..we all hangout and we actually have been having these for a while...so i decided to see if maybe i could get nvg because we have weirdly never seen them drop.. I heard theirs a server for trading...we could use that to increase safety or something. ( that goes for everyone )
  9. I hope someone needs these weapons. 2 Bison PP19-SD - 3 Mags Each. L85A2 AWS - I think i have like 1 mag..I never use it...takes Stanag. AS50 - 6 x 5 Round NATO Things I Need NVG ( I need 3 total ) I will consider anything else..dont really need weapons. Lets try to be fair in trades. THX! EDIT: ALSO GPS! x 1 or 2 also needed. ( not actually needed just never had one before. )
  10. Bender2012

    need morphine

  11. Bender2012

    Battleeye script #140

    i think its the same as #54 which is trying to use server control..
  12. Bender2012

    need morphine

    i need some way to contact u..we can probably use steam chat if u want
  13. Bender2012


    i think he said steam not skype sula
  14. Bender2012

    need morphine

    if u dont know what ventrilo is its to talk outside of game...you need a mic...only way i can help out..i have plenty of morphine/blood.
  15. Bender2012

    need morphine

    u have ventrilo bro? i can help u out if u do. pm me.