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About luminatx

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Don't buy it just for DayZ when a standalone version is coming, plus WarZ is coming as well which will be way better. cause arma 2 is horrible, the engine is crap.
  2. luminatx


    The mod will die off, and I plan on playing The War Z anyway.
  3. luminatx

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    My video is uploading to youtube as I post this. Will edit with link when it's done. EDIT: Sorry I have a life outside the internet.
  4. luminatx

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    lol what an excuse
  5. luminatx

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    I'm totally on Yukki's side. You're a horrible Admin and player. I'll post the video of our first attempt at attacking your base, and as soon as we open fire, you shut down the server. you're just bad at this game, it's okay.
  6. luminatx

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Do not join this server, its full of noobs. me and a few friends tried following the rules and ended up getting shot. So 2 can play that game, and we all re-join to raid them and as soon as we start taking guys out they shut down the server. and I have it all on video. Kids like this should not be allowed to run a server. If you can't play the game the way it was intended don't play it at all. EDIT: lol we joined back and have already taken out 8-9 people. and took out a few vehicles. gg scrubs
  7. The fact that this guide uses Fraps, makes this invalid haha. fraps is horrible.
  8. pics or it didn't happen.
  9. Not sure what happened, logged out yesterday to come on today and see my character in the middle of nowhere. Would love to be moved to a playable area, thanks! IGN: LuminatX EDIT: Nvm I killed myself.