To Kasey: Thanks man/girl for not shooting at me with that enfield on the US server in Elektro. I am glad that someone out here in the world of paranoia didn't shoot on sight after I had shared my dream of uniting the server, as a joke. That guys swore he would hunt me down after I said that. We walked around for maybe 2 minutes and went inside I believe the church. We found a few things before that guy found us. He shot me with his shotgun but missed several times while I was prone. I tried shooting but my enfield woudn't fire. He killed me, but then you avenged my death with your own rifle, knocking that smug grin off his cruel, bastard face. Then you took my matches. To put it simply, I had fun for that 2-3 minutes with you, and just know you are an awesome person. My IGN is Maximilian, and PM or something if you want. I'm doing better now, with an AK and ANOTHER ENFIELD!!! :D If i come across ya, we should catch up on what happened. Oh, also, I was a girl in game, but not real life. Good luck out there.