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Everything posted by SpiderJerusalem

  1. SpiderJerusalem

    I`m a goat (bug)

    Can't you just restart/ respawn?
  2. SpiderJerusalem

    The Game Is Now Un-Playable.

    Back when i started trying to play earlier (2 hours ago) the game loaded pretty quickly but i couldn't see anything through the glitches. Since then i either can't find a working server or the game just wont load. Constantly staring at loading screens irritates me & makes me wish i'd never heard about DayZ. Sometimes i wish it would just disappear until it works (Or is beaten by competitors) I love this game when it works but that's only about 20% of the time. I'm a patient person when it comes to amazing things but pretty soon 20% is not gonna be enough for me.
  3. SpiderJerusalem

    Matches & knives are too rare.

    Sorry, but that is just ridiculous. They are way too rare though. There should be loads in houses & supermarkets, some on zombies too but a lighter would be more realistic. Knives are a bit too rare as well & i never seem to find them in houses either. Even the most destitute junkies have a knife or 2 in their hovels, so every house should spawn a knife. And you should be able to use your knife as a weapon, not being able to is just ridiculous.
  4. SpiderJerusalem

    Water Bottles, How Many Is Too Many?

    Emergency one in backpack plus my regular one. Never use either though because i eat & drink every other thing i see. You need more if you're avoiding towns, otherwise you find plenty of sodas. Speaking of sodas, i still haven't seen a Mountain Dew!
  5. SpiderJerusalem

    Meat From Dead Players

    Nope. It's all in the wording really. If it was changed to DayC & the zombies in the game were replaced with living human cannibals then it would be banned in all the over-censored countries. The fact is that zombies don't exist, the concept cannot alarm or offend anyone because nobody has died from a zombie attack & nobody has a family or cultural history of zombie-ism. But cannibalism...
  6. So far in my 4 weeks or so of playing & LOVING DayZ, i've helped quite a few other players out in various ways. I've bandaged & donated meat & soda to 5 people, a couple got Makarovs too. Also done a lot of sniping or distracting zombies near people, clearing paths for them & even saved 1 guy who had no idea he was being chased by some d**k with a hatchet :D So am i the coolest, most kind-hearted survivor in the land? Or is anyone else a peace loving hippy?
  7. Whistling is an ok idea. It's definitely realistic - which i'm all for - but would attract zombies within the same audible radius as the survivor, which would be limited, so firing a gun is as good as whistling right now.. Having a key that auto-types "friendly" would be ideal (I'm sure this is possible to do myself but i'm not a computer scientificalist so...) I usually type "friendly" as soon as i spawn & whenever i hear or see another survivor. If i see a survivor & can get their name i type "friendly near [name]" which works well. And if you snipe a zombie or 3 near the survivor then they get the message every time.
  8. SpiderJerusalem

    ghillie and camo suits affect zombies

    They don't attack animals or grass/bushes blowing in the wind though, so its not just movement. They must like big things that move in certain ways... i dunno. I would love to see zombies attacking bushes or chasing plastic bags down the street though. All i want is more realism. All the realism in the world!
  9. SpiderJerusalem

    Average Zombie Kills

    I play differently each time i log on, at night i'll be stealthy, especially if there are survivors nearby. Daytime, i like to be stealthy until ive been to my first destination & assessed the situation with other survivors. Then i clear areas out using flares etc to attract zombies then offing them en masse or sniping the buggers. For most of my "lives" i've rocked the cowboy setup: Revolver & Winchester :D (Realistic, maintainable weapons) & average 150-200 Zombies. I definitely shoot fewer zombies if/when i get military grade guns. Except the M1014. Seriously, how fu**ing fun is the M1014 for rampaging!?
  10. After spending over an hour searching for a server i crawled out into the street & instantly got a "No signal recieved for x seconds" warning & had to quit. 30 seconds of gameplay in an hour makes me feel like a muppet. I love this game but seriously, sometimes it's just a f***ing pi**-take! I can't even be bothered trying again until i rent a server & get it working... The worst thing is my anger will last about an hour then it's loading screen time again... Anyone else spent more time loading the game, than actually playing? And anyone got a similar or even worse experience? Or more anger? I'm sure there are thousands.
  11. SpiderJerusalem

    An hour to find working server...

    I always have latest patches etc & use SixLauncher but a glitch with Six meant it kept updating every time i started my computer, reinstalled & that stopped. Server problems seem to happen more on lower level servers after any updates. Kinda really makes sense that the higher level servers update more frequently & are generally "better". I'm a d**k :)
  12. SpiderJerusalem

    What kills you the most?

    Agree but i have no idea how they can "fix" it, unforyunately. Since my noob deaths by zombies & only 1 clitch, i've only died by other players. My longest life was 7/8 days, 186 zombie kills, about 4 murders. I'm always friendly & type friendly in chat. Only attack if someone comes towards me or gets into a position with a long range rifle etc. I'd saved 2 players from zombie attacks, bandaged & donated meat & painkillers to both & a Makarov to 1 of them :D (He was dead within minutes, even though i cleared the area for him, waste of time). Eventually i died after my computer froze while i was in Berez military tents picking up a Coyote Backpack & a Bizon. I'm not ashamed to tell you that i cried.
  13. SpiderJerusalem

    Bad version, server rejected connection?

    ANTS! All over my skin. So itchy. Pain. Everywhere. I need a hit of DayZ right now!
  14. SpiderJerusalem

    Can someone explain the point of ALT-F4

    Wow, profundity must run through your veins like blood does mine, huh? You're a lame excuse, daisy23. And so are all the other morons complaining about this "problem". This is a game & people can log on & off whenever they want to. Alt+F4 is a Windows shortcut, not the game developers fault/problem. If anyone wants to quit while being attacked etc, they can still click Esc & Abort in about 1 second. Adding a time penalty where your character stands there for X number of seconds after logging off is just stupid, especially since the game crashes & glitches alot. Just live with the quitters until Rocket comes up with a solution - AFTER all the other more important glitches & problems have been fixed. You people...