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Everything posted by Akinari-san

  1. Akinari-san

    AS50 vs M107

    I just have a question about 2 of the strongest and probably best rifles in the game. My question is what is better the AS50 or M107 .50 caliber rifle ? I just found the AS50 yesterday and the M107 today and now i have both of them in my Coyote Backpack and i just dont want to leave one behind if it is a better weapon. If it is not 100% sure which weapon is better can you please send me a list of features with things like: Weapon Zoom, Maximum range (not maximum zeroing) and things like that. You'll get some beans for a useful answer :) P.S Sorry if my english isnt the best Im not from a country with english as official language.
  2. Akinari-san

    Mt Dew can

    At the moment I'm carring 2 MTDew cans around, one was found in a brick building in some random town, the other one was found in a dead body. Well I have to admit: I actually found MTDew cans more often than NV googles. xD
  3. Akinari-san

    First time killing stories?

    My first real bandit kill was when i ran to Stary Sobor the 3rd time with an M14 that I got from another player that i killed in self defense. When i arrived in Stary i saw zombies running near the military camps so I sneaked up the red unfinished building and shot one of the 2 guys that were in the military camp, I ran down from the building but i was aware that the other guy just logged out so i decided to wait and see if he logs in again, about 1 minute later that guy logged in again and i shot him aswell with my M14.
  4. In DayZ im am somekind of Anti PK but im working together with an actual Bandit, My rules are the following: Never shoot unarmed players. Only shoot players that aren't bandits when they've seen you and theres no other way to avoid death. Never act stupid and always be focused on the game, Yesterday for example i just ambushed 2 very high equiped players that obviously got their stuff out of a hacker box, they were dead in under 3 seconds.
  5. Akinari-san

    we need more bandits!

    You can get the AST(Awesome sniper team). We are Anti Heros = Bandit hunters xD
  6. Akinari-san

    Hacker on DE 3290

    About 2 hours ago we saw a hacker on DE 3290, we saw the hacker 2 days ago aswell but we had no evidence so we didn't post it but now we recorded and loaded it up on Youtube. He spawned several ammo boxes and one police car that you can also see in the video, he also was invisible and invincible and killed all of us several times. Hacker's name: Julius (We were 5 people on the server: 3 with me in TS3, 1 afk but we also know that guy and Julius who hacked) Server: 3290 Time: about 3.30pm UTC+1 This is the video of the hacker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZrDKWkTf2E&feature=youtu.be
  7. Akinari-san

    Are you a bandit if you kill newspawns?

    Reminds me of something that happend to me in Elektro, i was there with a friend on the roof of the office building aswell as 3 other friendly players. One of the players started shooting at me with a Makarov five times but only hit me once, I just turned around and killed him and 2 of his friends xD
  8. I just read the article about the Hero skin in the DayZ wiki and now I have 2 questions about it: The Wiki says that you have a bullet proof west of class 1 as a Hero ( not sure if you use that class system in the US too but it means it blocks 9mm bullets). Do you really have that west ? If you have that west: Is it still working when you wear a Ghillie suit ?
  9. Akinari-san

    Are you a bandit if you kill newspawns?

    I think in my opinion there are the following types of bandits: The good ones that only shoot other bandits. The bad ones that shoot everyone. The logical ones that kill other guys for loot. The idiots who shoot even new spawned players. Im actually one of those "good ones* because i only shoot other bandits but unfortunatly today i accidentaly shot someone who wasn't bandit :(
  10. Today we just decided to repeat our shooting at bandits and people who seem to be bandits in Cherno but this time we we're 8 people, 2 Snipers and 6 actual people who ran into the city and shoot everything that moves. After we logged in right after the snipers we just ran across the industrial part always covering all sides and we actualy made 3 Fire teams made out of 2 people. After we took out two snipers on the high towers we took cover beetween a wall and a building. We had a little lag on that server so a bandit got behind us and killed one of my guy of my group and wounded another one with his MK48 but I just turned around and shot at the guy with the MK48, he was dead after 2 shots from my M14 with Red Dot. After the dead guy of my group and the wounded guy recovered to us we had to wait another 15 minutes in the industrial part because we had to kill 2 more snipers on one of the sniper towers and my friend Vigg killed another guy with his M14 (both are leggit :)). Right after we decided to go to the area around the town hall but we heard AKM shots from the construction side so we ran back to it and killed a total of 3 players there. Then we decided to change servers and instantly spotted two noobs with Makarovs laying down on somekind of antenna and shooting at noobs. One of them logged out but I just shot the other one. When the other guys wanted to change to another server i actually wanted to run into the town and shoot some guys but i accidentaly shot someone who said friendly :( Right after that we changed to our own server, and messed around, I got killed with a car but i got my stuff back and also got a new Ghillie suit :)
  11. Akinari-san

    The bandit group that killed bandits.

    I posted it once and it actually made 4 Threads O_O For the record i hate the German internet provider called. Deutsche Telekom.
  12. Some bug with my internet posted the text 4 times at once apologiese for that :(
  13. Some bug with my internet posted the text 4 times at once apologiese for that :(
  14. Some bug with my internet posted the text 4 times at once apologiese for that :(
  15. Akinari-san

    Soldier Clothes

    But is it allowed to keep it if you found it ? Im just woundering because one of my buddys just found it and he is the medic of our group so it would be really usefull if he is allowed to use it as a "medic marking".
  16. Akinari-san

    Hacker on DE 998

    I got killed on that server too, died out of nowhere when i was engaging someone on a bike, no shot and an extreme blood loss of about 43000 (from 12000 to -31000). And again i just lost all my stuff like NV googles, ghillie suit, AS50 and so on... :(
  17. Akinari-san

    Helicopter Disappearance

    Our Helicopter just disapeared 3 times in a row on different locations, we saved it about 25 times in our camp but it still disapeared all the time and the heli respawns on the old location were we found it. :(
  18. Akinari-san

    Bear Grylls UK 25

    I saw him too on DE 374 some weeks ago, i killed him, but he had things that you cant even have in DayZ, for example: Evidence Map(only in a singleplayer mission), or an SUV. When i killed him he was together with another guy in Cherno driving an SUV, but 30 minutes later one of my mates spotted him in an Ural Truck with the same equipment he had when i killed him, they gave my friend a taxi and picked up about 10 more guys all with Ghilie Suits and M9SDs.
  19. Akinari-san

    AS50 vs M107

    Yeah, the sound of the AS50 is totally unrealistic i think, but thanks for the tip about the Ammo of the AS50 :) Im gonna try that out on the shooting range i just downloaded some Dayz ago :D
  20. Akinari-san

    Found an M14 AIM, how rare are they?

    I just had it trice (three times if trice isnt correct) 1 time i killed a bandit, and I found it 2 times, it is a really GREAT carbine with a really good effect on target, i just shot down 2 hackers some weeks ago without any problems, if you know how to handle it then it is probably the best gun in the game, same as the FN FAL and L85A2 with AWS sight. It is 1 shot kill on zombies and 2 or 3 shot kill on players.
  21. Akinari-san

    AS50 vs M107

    Thanks for your answers you have my beans! Unfortunatly i just have 4 M107 Magazines and no AS50 magazines :(. I just shot a bandit with an AS50 once in DayZ and he was instant down it was extremely cool :D
  22. Awesome shot man :) Get some beans :D I had a moment like that once, the reactions of my mates in Skype were hilarious :D
  23. Akinari-san

    Driving a hippie van!

    Congratolations :) I had a car once, we lost it after a double server respawn. @joeman4 Hey wanna team up with me an a friend ? So we can hit it with 3 .50 cal rifles at the same time, 2x M107 and 1x AS50 :D
  24. Akinari-san

    What do youy do if you see a player

    Btw: @Raptorsangel: Was there a guy who just climbed up to you multiple times ? I just got shot down by the last member of a bandit group on that building about 2 hours ago and i just want my stuff back :)
  25. Akinari-san

    What do youy do if you see a player

    If i see a player without a night vision ill say that he has to lower to weapon while im running around him, if i see one with night vision or at the day i try to sneak behind him and do the same if he sees me i shoot.