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Everything posted by Alowne

  1. This is just a simple question for the staff mainly Does upgrading the master server or even adding another one , maybe 1 for EU and 1 for North-America would help all those issue's with people being stuck on waiting for server response , and plus the number of persons a see from EU in North-American server , that must not help the server , like at all and this despite being really hard to log-on , i am really amazed with this mod , to be serious i wouldn't have gave 30 bucks for Arma II , i did that just for the mod , you deserve this money And sometimes when i go into a server i see people with like 200 of pings , and i have 30 , they are playing , and i'm not , because i'm stuck waiting hours on waiting for server response , that is not really fair i think... So? , will this lagginess and server response problems stay's on forever until people get mad and quits , so other can join in? (losing popularity in other words) :P I am sorry for my bad English by the way , i am French-Canadian and i have learned English all by myself (Without School)
  2. Also waiting for server response... and i have the lowest ping on the server...
  3. ((Before you read , know that my English is bad , i am sorry , but it is not my natural language)) Was on a random server , cant remember which one though Was having fun with a friend of mine and then , all of the sudden the server got madllagged , saying no response in chat or something and counting , 1,2,3,4,5 , that was doing so for my friend too , We dced And then , we tryed to change serve , my friend could , i couldnt , Now , i am always stuck in a loading screen , here how it goes Lunch steam , Arma combined shizzle multiplayer , find server , tell my friend which server going in , texture pop up , the is something downloading of about 24ko , (that now i dont see , it just says 0 and skips either , it skips or i just dl it really fast , not really surprising considering its 24ko) another windows , going black , saying im receiving shizzle , sometimes it says creating caratcher , waiting for caracther , blabla id , not always the same , then it goes Loading .... and doesnt move , the processus is still active , tryed to lunch the game in everyway , look the cache , redownload the mod , tried everything , ive look the forum without enswers .. now, i dont know what to do , and considering i just gave away 30 bucks this very day ... i was all happy and shit .. i'm still happy but disappointed So what ive tried , Restarting , Repaired the cache on steam of both Arma II and Arma II OA , tried lunch from steam , the EXE , tried making a new profile , tried redownloading the mod , i just dont know what is going wrong since i was actually playing the game.... then logged off/dced from a server and .. can not join any now... So if i could have some support
  4. Alowne

    Stuck at black "Loading" screen

    Why getting the shakes , Get a good night of sleep and hope everything is going to be alright , i do understand that though , i was really anxious to play .. like a lot just , played like 1 hour , and with mad laggs..
  5. Alowne

    Stuck at black "Loading" screen

    YOU, dont be ignorant , i have no prior problems with patch 1.5.7 so is the thread title . so my problem isnt the same... That sort of thing is , you had a characther with 1.5.6 , you upgraded to 1.5.7 and nothing work anymore.. As if for me , thats not what happen ... Plus , dont come in other people topic and talk shit , i have all right to do my own topic... PLUS , the dev needs all the feedback they can get....
  6. Alowne

    Stuck at black "Loading" screen

    I prefer making my own thread , and i never had a version prior to 1.5.7 anyway so.. Update i alt tabbed for a min or 2 , then repoped it , and it says sever responded , creating caracther ... does it work ... no idea , trying it now .. what ive done , no idea too..
  7. Same ,here , logged off during a crash on a server , and now i am stuck in a blackscreen with the word "Loading" in the middle ... Also , doesnt matter that i do another profile , loading screen wont go off and let me spawn Caracther affected Alowne and Ohrage