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About mr.right

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mr.right

    DayZ Unofficial 500 Slot Public Teamspeak!

    I feel as if this server is poorly ran. I requested to create a channel. But I could not until I was registered. So i asked to be switch to registered to day by an admin pro-skater or something. He said he didn't have permission to register me. What kind of admin does not have permission to register anyone. He had told me that none of the admins have permission to do anything. He couldn't even kick anyone yesterday when they were spamming a channel. Told me the owner doesn't allow it. So I said what ever. I joined the epic awesome channel and while I was chatting in there someone started to spam music over the channel. No one kicked them or banned them because they couldn't. So i will be finding another server. This is not me trying to bad mouth this server but I wanted other people to know this before they joined so they know what they are joining.