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About Nymphetamine

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Nymphetamine


  2. Nymphetamine


    bump, were in differnt time frames might be hard to skype lol
  3. Nymphetamine


    bump... I tried that anyway i made my game run alot cleaner but still super loading. any othe rideas?
  4. Nymphetamine

    Radio? Hacked or what?

    I found a dead body last night and he had one ive been sniping ppl off and randomly it makes weird code sounds or calls
  5. Nymphetamine

    Vent and Teamspeak does not work in game... Why?

    no its simple... Open vent as admin problem solved
  6. Nymphetamine

    character bound per server?

  7. Nymphetamine

    character bound per server?

    find a lag free server before hand just like when ppl play wow there all differnt pings/locations and thats how me and my friends play now nothing new
  8. Nymphetamine

    character bound per server?

    people wont server hop in spots just to get gear then log onto high pop on a clif and snipe people then leave... yea servers go down but that goes for any game its such a win idea
  9. I think it would be an amazing thing
  10. Nymphetamine

    Its fun but hard to have fun :(

    whats that?
  11. Wall of text feel free to read if your bored. So I have been taking a break for about a month now due to hackers ect ect. So I log in fresh go to towns get a gun/food ect and hide on top of a firestation on a very high pop server I see a guy in another building and shoot at him once through the broken windows and he just disappears. Obvious combat logging or what ever you want to call it. I see another guy about 3 mins later run into the supermarket I wait and he runs out I shoot him with my Lee/fld and he falls to the ground and you hear a scream.. He disappears. Again no kill :/ so me and a friend decide to cap up the market since there is high traffic we run inside and he kills someone behind a shelf, despawns no kill. A player in a gullie suit comes in through the back door and I take him out and he has the largest pack you can have night vision,camo sinper,5 sandbags range finder the works this guy has everything. Yet it feels good to kill someone like that even though I doubt he was legit because why would you be in a supermarket? then we take all his stuff and run to forest and hide. And this guy with a pistol is walking right twords us through he open field not running WALKING like hes the fucking terminator. we start unloading on him and nothing, nothing,nothing! over time he just gets so close and he kills us he took no dmg not bleeding nothing its BS! This is the reason why I took a break hoping it would get better but I guess not the game is fun but its hard to have fun I should have had many kills and I dont get squat but zombies chasing me. It makes me sad :.(
  12. nope.... tents are phucked. I moved my campsite with a new tent saved it 4 times then the server restarted about 8 mins later.. gg my 50cal sniper, sdcamo ect
  13. Nymphetamine


    crap sorry about that ill delete it