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Everything posted by guisho

  1. guisho

    Kamenka Spawn (Worth It?)

    It's going to have the new building zone so I think Kamenka it's going to be a better respawn point than before.
  2. guisho

    Advanced Radios

    I would love to have something like this, it would make lower the quantity of players who use third-party voice softwares.
  3. guisho

    Girl Characters

    Wait for Standalone and you can have all the same rights that all of us boys have.
  4. guisho

    Where I can find?

    I have to agree with mZLY, I've found NV googles one single time in my whole time @ DayZ, and all the rest were from bandits or other different survivors (I'm thinking about how many of them could be hackers...)
  5. I was one of the many who thought that the coast-respawn was the better idea, but if you respawn in a random place (I mean whatever city they decided to dump you) you have the same chance of rendezvous with your team (if you don't play solo) than many others, because it's not the same if you respawn in Kamenka and you have your teammates in Balota than being in Kamenka and your teammates in Guba. Random places also gives you a random story for being in a place that you don't know so well (this could be mixed with "turning off" the name of the city where you are, making you to loot a map and look for a road signal to find the city name inside the map)
  6. It's my surname in real life. My name is "Guillermo" (it would be William if I were English) and if you short it it's Guillo (Willy) so it was turned into Guisho to give the personal touch.
  7. guisho

    Just saw Rocket again.

  8. guisho

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    I never thought that I would be pleased to know about the release of two unknown guys... but this is different. Cheers to them and I hope that they enjoy their freedom at 100%
  9. guisho

    Tips for a quality DayZ

    The devs are pretty much revamping the whole DayZ world so...
  10. guisho

    a tent in the south

    One of the best thing that can happen in DayZ after QQing.
  11. Taviana/Namalsk are the most played by now. They're beautiful and a little bit complex, so it makes them a pretty good option despite the omnipotent Chernarus.
  12. guisho

    Make more guns!

    I would love to see more variety and more variations of the AK/M4-M16 series.
  13. guisho

    Chernarus real life

    Do you imagine playing airsoft/paintball in that scenario? It makes me moist only by thinking about it.
  14. guisho

    Giving up, to much stupidity.

    QQ and respawn, it's the same old story over and over again.
  15. guisho

    Hate to rage quit but...

    This is one of the biggest concerns for the devs, that's the idea of making DayZ a standalone game, so they can bold all the details and try harder to avoid any bugs or problems like hacking or scripting in-game.
  16. guisho

    Adding Research labs and qurrantine zones

    My beans are given to you. Rocket said something about labs and stuff so you can probably see these kind of things in the game.
  17. guisho

    Remove Kamenka As Respawn Point

    Kamenka = Zelenogorsk in a few minutes. And remember, the new building zone showed at the DevBlog's Tumblr apparently it's in Kamenka so...
  18. guisho

    Clearing the room

    They're revamping the interiors of the buildings so this can be almost eliminated and we can move around without "natural" harm.
  19. guisho

    Very big building on DayZ map SA

    In the pictures that Rocket has put into the DevBlog you can see a new building with a big room space inside so you can have your new big building while they revamp the rest of the known places.
  20. guisho

    Item damage by enemy gunfire.

    They're already looking for something like this, hope they can implement it because it's pretty much useful.
  21. Here in Argentina you can find a lot of private servers hosted directly from the admin's PC, so they're pretty laggy and drop your FPS because of the low rate of data transfer.
  22. guisho

    Airborne virus. V4

    Hell yeah, that would complete the atmospheric scenario needed to be scared as fuck. Beans given to you
  23. guisho

    Ungrounds or tunnels?

    If they are going to introduce a basebuilding system below the surface I think that they could make some "public" underground buildings with loot and similar, so it's possible to have some of them in the map.
  24. guisho

    Airborne virus. V4

    Rocket said something about a spreading disease that's going to be roaming the map but I don't know how it's going to work. Pretty much convinced that your suggestion it's going to be similar to what he propposed.