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Everything posted by dougan25

  1. dougan25

    in the past two hours.. 4 hackers.

    retard nobody is saying there aren't hackers. people are saying two things: 1. it's an alpha mod so expect there to be massive problems with every aspect. 2. LITERALLY NO ONE cares if you don't play.
  2. dougan25

    Whenever I see a person in a ghillie suit

    that sucks i was really looking forward to getting one. very disappointing to hear as a new player. i really hope this doesnt turn into a game that caters to qqers. what's next, nerfing the lee enfield?
  3. dougan25

    Seeking fellow survivors

    are there plans for a server?
  4. it was a selective reading fail. i had no trouble understanding what you meant.
  5. what i dont get is why people who insist they don't want pvp cry when someone disconnects so they don't have to fight them.
  6. dougan25

    Steam Group for all players in DayZ

    good idea in theory but what's to stop bandits from finding people to kill using the steam group?
  7. grocery stores are key. lots of great spawns there
  8. dougan25

    Why didn't I start with a gun?

    you don't start with a gun. crawl into some houses and find a pistol, it shouldn't take long. or a hatchet. i used a hatchet till i found an ak
  9. dougan25

    Bought Arma specifically for this mod...

    you gotta pay really close attention when you first spawn and in the bottom right it'll say where you are. then just alt tab and find that location. if you don't like where you spawned, just respawn and try again. i died last night and just respawned till i was close enough to go back and loot what was left of my corpse. EDIT: also, i dont know if you know this, but you will ALWAYS spawn on the coast.
  10. dougan25

    Bought Arma specifically for this mod...

    that map has helped me huge, definitely check it out. and if you're looking for something, the market is always a good place to start. a lot of useful spawns in those bldgs.
  11. The inventory is manageable once you figure it out, but anyone who says it isn't clunky and unintuitive is lying to himself.
  12. i KOS because i dont trust anyone not to do the same to me. i play carefully and most of the time i know where people are in my surroundings before they know where i am. this game is hardcore. op is a whiner. "mature" players, which you seem to think you are, would realize when a game isn't their cup of tea and simply not play it. they wouldn't come on here whining and disrespecting other players who they know nothing about.
  13. getting this game to work consistently is a nightmare. imo development should be halted until these bugs are fixed. after reinstalling windows drivers, graphic drivers, uninstalling and reinstalling various patches and versions, and copy/pasting configs and .exes, to still be unable to play because of loading bugs like this is exhausting.
  14. http://dayzdb.com/map will solve 90% of your problems in this game. every spawn is marked so you can go to less populated areas and avoid players. I think it's fine that people can KOS. today i killed a guy because he had a bigger backpack than me--inventory space is really important in this game. would i do that IRL? probably not, but isn't that the point of video games? to be able to do things you wouldn't normally do IRL?