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33 Good

About Jugg

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Not if you have so much loot farmed you can instantly re-equip your mates. Its more of an annoyance then a real set back.
  2. This isn't an exploit. That said it removes just a bit more mystery and sense of being lost from the game, essentially creating another environment of chores. Very dull. If its possible so be it but my hope is that the ability to easily farm loot is tackled via one method or another.
  3. Jugg

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    You bought ARMA2. Arma2 works perfectly fine. You then installed a mod in alpha, this mod is under heavy development. You did not purchase this mod. Do you notice the difference? OP and a few others need to go have a cyanide breakfast.
  4. I voted Yes on head shots. However I think the best idea would be that a head shot would have a 100% chance kill rate. Limb shots would have a 0% kill rate, but would disable / break limbs. However to kill with body shots should require A LOT of firepower or organ damage (i.e From larger rounds). Pistols 1 shot killing in the torso is a huge thrill killer. This would also make ammo much more precious.
  5. I'd say its against the spirit of the game but I'm a little old fashioned with the notions of integrity and fairplay. In the old days we called this "ghosting", that was spectating others and telling your friends where the enemy was and was greatly shamed and looked down upon. This is no different imo.
  6. Jugg

    Shoot on site solution...

    All that is need to reduce the whole KOS issue is player tools that allow people to establish some semblance of order. This includes Intel sharing, notoriety, familiarity and the ability to share these things with others that you come into contact with. A natural standing would also help, I see your face (ie within 50m of you) you then shoot me, in the future you'll show up red when I put my crosshair over you (only within X meters) simulating the fact I know what you did to me. Yes I'm aware thats not how real life works, guess what we don't respawn irl so we have to work around it. Additionally anyone with high familiarity with ME (Blue) will also see you as red. Someone with no familiarity with me willl have no change as they have no allegiance nor an understanding of the situation. However, they could choose to set us both to red if they so choose. Some kinks to be worked out, but atleast this forces no one out of their prefered style and would help people (those so inclined) begin to trust each other.
  7. Perhaps the gloves should be added as an extra tool? Nothing better then more shinies to hunt for =P
  8. Jugg

    Bought this game today.

    You did not buy this game. You downloaded this MOD. Which is in alpha. You bought arma2.
  9. No game forced penalties are needed. What is need is available tools for people to enforce their own penalties on people. Intel, Familiarity, notoriety. The ability to construct (and destroy) radio towers to broadcast said things to others which then allows them to I.D hostiles, friendlies and groups etc through colour coded and distance based text. Long story short. Dayz needs Toolz. Not arbitrary penalties. That said I still like the heartbeat idea since we need a gut feeling mechanic.
  10. Jugg

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    In all fairness we dont all desire human contact... some of us prefer being anti-social and enjoy being alone. Also I have a hand ...
  11. Gaming industry needs to take note here. Rocket is a true artist. Nothing but respect.
  12. Jugg

    Destroying Friendships

    Who cares you sound like a coward in real life. I stopped caring about your game issues as soon as you seemed ok with being friends with the sorts you described. Either put them down like rabid dogs or stfu.
  13. Jugg

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    KDR is the last thing that should be encouraged in this mod. Any "intel" based stats should remain unknown. As for taking this mod seriously, You know what? Yes I am taking it seriously because its the first game to come along in a looooooooooooong time that isn't watered down shit that the modern gaming industry seems intent on spoon feeding the shit for brains masses. I would like ONE DAMN GAME to maintain some sense of mystery and adventure without having to put myself at a disadvantage because of spreadsheet and heat map fuckers. The loot tables were face palm worthy enough. /end rant
  14. Bandits are always fucking sulking. Do you people not live in the REAL WORLD? Animals are not stupid, if you constantly provide food wether directly or indirectly certain animals will notice and begin to follow you around. Birds are ESPECIALLY known for this .. Seagulls, ducks, stray cats and dogs.. the list goes on. Fucking care bear bandits... This actually makes sense unlike a random skin morph and you still cry.
  15. YES In fact remove starting supplies and backpack as well. So sexy.