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Everything posted by zava

  1. funny how there are thousands of threads about this problem and only now there is a solution. before millions of people have been told to reinstall and follow the wiki properly...
  2. Rather than having all those discussions whether an admin abused his rights or not I'd like to make sure. So if you guys suspect admin abuse such as server restarting after looting a camp, server restarting after killing a clan member, server restarting after taking down a helicopter and so on BUT not teleporting, rollback, spawning, please write me a PM with the server name and I will not join it ever again. Maybe this way I can fly a helicopter someday. currently for west-american and european servers. If the list gets big enough I'll post it in this thread. Tell me what you think about this.
  3. yes it is. It is quite selfish and not fair. problem? I don't care if I end up "banning" safe servers. Just like in the game. Better safe than sorry. But neat advice with the clans. Will look out for that too
  4. zava

    DE 144 server locked

    you don't get it. it says you can, not that you are allowed to. that post is to distinguish admin abuse from hacks. just write a notice like server restarting in 5 minutes to do "blablablah" god you should be banned yourself :D ']such as imposing a ping limit of 220 "testing the servers stability" is nothing such as imposing a ping limit of 220 "An admin is able to lock a server for example and while it's generally not allowed, there may be valid reasons to do so - maintenance or temporary protection against heavy connection spam for example." if you do it regularly as you just stated above, you don't have a valid reason because in most of the cases there is another way such as stated by myself above. If you don't like the fact that you should always try not to use the password protection function, play another fucked up sandbox game and cancel your server subscription.