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About Danielvandijk

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    Your Yard
  1. haha that happened to me aswell, but he spawned a Box with all the gear in the game (5x all the weapons 20x all the loot like 20x camo, 20x ghilie suits 20x beans and etc) i ignored it since my other friends told me 3 guys from their clan got banned by taking items from this box then he teleported me back to the box >:0 as i ignore the box again shooting zombies as i run away, he just hacked my inventory and game me a AS50 + 7 mags, M1911 + 7 mags, Nightvision, Rangefinder, all the tools, Ghilie Suit, 2 Morphine's + 2 Painkillers, a Coyote Backpack (Inside there was a M4A1 SD Camo) and so i was bleeding because of the zombies, i just DC'd before he did something else to me... i logged in another server and i still had all the gear except the Backpack was empty... nothing to complain about anyways lol
  2. Hello everyone! This is what happened (About 6 mins ago..) so me and my friend were planning in joining a server to play DayZ, i found a server with a really good ping (US 1358) after we both got in, met up in Elektro, weird things started happening to the server like sometimes it would appear that everyone was losing connection, it would suddenly lagg and go back and etc and so we started going to Stary Sobor, we were near Mogilevka (I think) in a dirt road when i suddenly started flying up (Non Stop) with a closed bear trap under me (Seems like that was the thing bringing me up) i was in skype with my friend and he was laughing his ass off as i flew each secound higher, i could walk as i flew up, so i started following him from the skies, after that he told me to try and logout to see if i would spawn back on the ground, i pressed esc and i could not Respawn, i could not Abort, and i could not do some other option wich i forgott, thirst thing i thought of doing was, ALT - F4 the secound i did that i died instantly (With Medium - Good Gear) after that i spawned in Kamenka (All pissed off about my random dumb death and my friend still laughing) i try to run straight up to go to the NW airfield, but ater getting lost i go back to the beach, and i remembered that i could go to Komarovo to atract zombie atention to get killed (on porpouse) i was following the Main Road, i was basically secounds from being inside the town, when from the nothing what seemed wlike a Broken Truck disapeared and a Box spawned infront of me, witch had 5x All the Weapons of the Game (Arma II) + 20x All the Items (Food, Ghilie Suits, Camos, Anti-Biotics and etc) and all the gear and everything, anyways... EVERYTHING, i remembered my friend telling me 3 guys from his clan got globally banned due to getting stuff from this box, so i just ignored and let the zombies kill me.. i Spawn in Prigorodky (Between Elektro and Cherno) i instantly see a barn and go to it, i find a lee enfield, i Tab Out on the top part of the barn, and try to search about this box and etc, i quickly tab back in to see if anything happened, all normal, i found a video of some guy that found the same box ( ) after watching half of it, i tabed back in again just to find myself teleported right back at the box in Komarovo, i refuse the box yet again, now trying to kill off the zombies after me as i walk backwards, the more i shot the more zombies came i was shooting when suddenly my Debug Monitor Dissapeared, and i find myself with a AS50 in my hands a Coyote Backpack, i quickly acces my Gear, and see 7 Mags for the AS50, RangeFinder, NightVision, 2 Morphine, 2 PainKillers, a M1911 with like the 7 mags, 1 bandage, there was a ghilie suit aswell in my Main Inventory, my backpack? a M4A1 Silenced + some other stuff, i was bleeding and could not shoot since somehow it bugged.. i DC, after not believing what that guy just did to me i log in another server, just to see myself with the exact same gear the guy put in my inventory, but now i had nothing in my Coyote Backpack...Summary : This guy somehow had me as a "Target" and launched me towards Space, with only the option of Suicide, Spawned a Box with everything infront of me, Teleported me Back to the Box, Had total control over my Inventory... What is This?!? a DayZ GOD? i don't know if he was targeting me for having a strange name (PissedOffTomato) or just the random Unluckey/Luckey Target that he choose.... This is what happened 6 mins ago, i hope you guys can do something about this hacking problems...because its out of control, i mean like, that guy had 100% control over the server, i wouldn't doubt if he could shutdown the server or something... This is my Story.
  3. Danielvandijk

    Block Off Private Servers*

    Yeah... see what i mean? then we ask ourselfs Why do clans always have good gear?!? well haha... looks like they've been on a private server farming like hell on earth and going on full server and just unloading on everyone... for the case of being kicked by a server that is NOT Locked/Password Protected, and the admin just kicked you because it was a "Farming" server for his clan.. or something, then you should get the name of the server and the admins name (or just the servers name), and report for admin abuse!
  4. Danielvandijk

    Block Off Private Servers*

    Yeah, but i mean like Rocket and his team need to block off servers that are password protected (Locked) from the public "hive", so they can do whatever they wish to, but it won't actually save there caracter's status gained on the server to the public "hive" so they can't just create a server, password protect it, and farm like crazy..
  5. Danielvandijk

    More low-Mid tier gear.

    Coughh COUGHH what?! if you just run into Cherno/Elektro into the firestation you're done lol.. Ak's M4's Sniper's good gear, even the market, almost everytime i got to the market theres like 1/3 Alice Packs.. and etc
  6. Danielvandijk

    More low-Mid tier gear.

    Yeah not a bad idea i mean like DayZ is going on the wrong direction.. its just becoming like.. Spawn, Loot (Easy as hell to find a AK or something like that),kill, die, spawn, loot, kill, die and so fourth Sadly becoming a Loot Race/PVP with zombies....
  7. Danielvandijk

    Solo'ing and Group'ing - Leaderboard

    Actually not really THAT hard, since the "Spend time around people thing" has already been added, if you spend some time around a survivor he will become "Green" to you (May only be seen in Recruit i think) so they just need to implement a tad bit of code and done!
  8. Danielvandijk

    Block Off Private Servers*

    Correct, "Basically"* i actually Corrected* you're post, as i said a Massive part of the Locked servers are for farming and that the chances of the server being locked because of the number of players on the menu is possible, but slim
  9. Danielvandijk

    Here's a suggestion, stop the fucking hackers!

    Anti - Cheat engines don't really do shit anyways, since they cannot prevent Hacks, they are based on events like for example: function (Fly) { if (Fly === true) { kick.player.delta.time("Amount") } else (player.ban) } they check certain events like not being on the ground and such, they can't prevent ALL the hacks, they can prevent most of them, but not all, so we all have to just deal with it, because DayZ is in alpha anyways..
  10. Danielvandijk

    Block Off Private Servers*

    Nope there are mostly Passworded servers with only like 2 poeple or mostly a locked Clan server... yeah there might be servers locked for that reason but 85% are for Farming and etc... #Lady Kyrah : Thanks good to know!
  11. Danielvandijk

    Block Off Private Servers*

    Ok, so technically the public "Hive" is the one were you're status is actually saved to? I mean like i know a server that's really common, you can get in (I don't since my ping is WAY to high there anyways (Like 350)) (It's passworded) and you can just leave that server and go to another server with the loot gained, like if you had for example looted at a "Atlanta Server" That's basically being connected to the public "Hive" and being Passworded aswell, right?
  12. Danielvandijk

    Block Off Private Servers*

    Sorry? What?! Well let me try and figure out what you'r impression is.. if a server is not connected to the main "hive" and is private you can password it? Also.. #Lady Kyrah, were do you report passworded servers (used to loot) to?
  13. Danielvandijk


    Well it actually would be nice to have a NPC "Friend" but i mean like the Military AI from Arma OA is just... dumb they were made to Kill "Players" i don't think the AI form the soldiers in ARMA would fit DayZ only if they changed it of course, but your "NPC Friend" must have a very good AI, otherwise some other Surviver might just shoot him and he's gone..
  14. Danielvandijk

    Block Off Private Servers*

    Well... O.õ i did not know that it wasen't alowed (I wasen't really sure if not) anyways, it would be WAAY easier if they just re-write the "Block off servers without Batteye" to "Block off servers with Password Protection" it would be way easier and pratical (Players would still be able to have "Fun" in their passworded servers, but their characters progression (Like getting Loot and etc) in those server don't get saved by the database) so they can spawn in, play around, kill each other with.. i don't know, AS50's? BUT those AS50's won't be saved onto "Other" Servers
  15. Danielvandijk

    Block Off Private Servers*

    True, True, Yeah they could maybe add a system that creates a diferent character for passworded servers? i don't know if it has the same result.. but anyways yeah that could work aswell! since what they really care about is getting loot and going to big cities/towns like Cherno/Elektro/Stary and killing everyone for loot or sometimes just for killing.. that's what i'm trying to stop