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Everything posted by Brainling

  1. One of my servers regulars seems to have been killed by a hacker (he sent me a pretty convincing video of what was doing on), and I'm trying to figure out the guys name from the logs. I can see the PDEATH line in our server log for my player, but where in the log does it give an indication of who killed him, if it does at all? Should I be looking somewhere else? I also glanced at the script.log, but there wasn't anything out of whack that I could see.
  2. That would be somewhat disappointing, as it makes it even harder to track down hackers that are killing people. Especially on veteran servers with no tags.
  3. Yep, this was my response as well.
  4. We're proud to announce the availability of US 899, hosted in Phoenix Arizona by Brainling (that's me!) and Aegis (he's my roommate). Our goal us to host a fun, vibrant server, where people feel like they're playing with a community, not just random survivors. Without further ado, the info: WHAT: US 899 - A server hosted by Aegis and Brainling Beta Version: 95417 DayZ Version: Difficulty: Veteran (3DP: On. CH: On) Slots: 40 TeamSpeak 3: us899.typefrag.com:7430 Password: wang WHERE: In your favorite server browser! Search for US 899. Direct Connect: Hosted in Phoenix Arizona WHO: Brainling and Aegis RULES: 1) No racist or sexist hate speech (profanity and smack talk 'in-bounds' is fine) 2) You aren't an admin, don't act like one. It's very unlikely we even know you or would risk our white-list for you. 3) Have fun. Feel free to ruin someone's day provided it's within the framework of these simple rules. Feel free to login and enjoy yourself! Until the admin ticketing system is in place, feel free to post here if you have an admin issue that needs addressed, or just have a question. Some quick info about myself and Aegis: We are best friends and roommates who have played video games together for almost seven years. We've played everything from World of WarCraft to Battlefield 3 and everything in between. We've both been playing DayZ since late May, and became so hooked, we decided we needed to contribute to the community by hosting a well admined and updated server. Some quick FAQ: Q) Third person? Will you turn it off? A) No. We enjoy having third person on. It's a personal preference, but we feel we should be able to play the way we enjoy on the server we run. If you don't like 3DP, this is not the server for you. Sorry! Q) Cross hairs? A) See above. Q) Will you ban <insert name>? He shot me at the NW Airfield! A) NO! Not only is this against the DayZ hosting rules, it's dumb anyway. Part of the game is getting shot. Q) Will you ban <insert name>? He called me a racial or sexual slur. A) We won't ban them right away, but we will kick them with a warning. Post here or hit up the ticket system. Be reasonable though. If I get flooded with these because someone called you a bad word that wasn't directly hate speech, I am going to start ignoring the requests. Q) Can you reboot the server? It's acting up and/or only spawning tin cans. A) I can if it's urgent enough. Post here and describe the issue, and we'll see. Q) Will you add slots beyond 40? A) It's always on the table, but it depends on how we feel the community around the server is growing. We don't want to host a 60 man server just to do so, we want to host a community server, as already stated.
  5. TeamSpeak 3 info thrown in the OP. We had an issue getting Mumble going, so we're going to use a TS3 server at least for now. We may go mumble at a later time.
  6. Brainling

    How do i set a max ping on my server??

    Again, that's all great theory. In practice, I've never seen anyone actually kicked above that ping value, on my server (and yes, I know it's using the correct cfg, no strange active issues). So YMMV with that method. Be prepared to manually kick obnoxious pings if you see them.
  7. Brainling

    How do i set a max ping on my server??

    Theoretically you set it in your BEServer.cfg. That's in theory. In practice, I have mine set to 250 in that file, and no one ever gets kicked. I have to manually kick obnoxiously high pings.
  8. Jonnerz: Couple of quick things. The BattlEye script update doesn't appear to be working from the Updates control panel. Fails complaining about 550 unable to change directory. Just a heads up. Second, if you could answer my ticket about my Mumble server (ticket #543181), I'd appreciate it.
  9. Brainling

    servers not showing up

    No problem. Several people are having this issue, because a large number of the servers updated to the latest beta patch (at the request of our hosts and the DayZ team), but Six Launcher isn't pushing the client update needed.
  10. Brainling

    Update to 95248 + Bad Version @ Client side

    Six Launcher isn't pushing 95248 to clients yet, so you and your users will have to manually update (as mine did).
  11. Brainling

    servers not showing up

    There was just a server beta patch pushed but without the resulting Six Launcher push of the client beta patch. People were having to update manually to 95248 for any server that runs the beta patch (like mine). Try manually forcing 95248 to install for your client, or wait for Six Launcher to push it out (which may already be happening).
  12. Just updated to Beta 95248, as per the DayZ teams request. If you guys see any issues, let me know.
  13. I'm working on a Ruby restart script now, so restarts on the server should become much better announced soon.
  14. It's not supposed to, that's supposed to be disabled by the DayZ mission file.
  15. We're pacific, so you should get quite a bit of daylight in your evenings. The server doesn't get dark until it starts to get dark at my house, which is ~9PM pacific. (Exact is GMT-8)
  16. Had some weird dysyncing issues last night, that seem to be gone...sorry for that everyone. We're now up to date with beta 95208.
  17. 95208 made my server stick everyone at loading, so I had to downgrade it back to 95168. Any idea what that might be?
  18. Thanks Oran :) Feel free to drop by any time! And join in Mumble when I get the info posted (just waiting on some config stuff on the Mumble server).
  19. Brainling

    Hacker on DE 397. Please help!

    I don't think the BattleEye ping enforcement works. At least on my server, I have to manually kick people above the ping threshold (which I do).
  20. It's a habit from other forums I've been on, to reserve the first post for updates, so the OP doesn't get out of control and stays just the need to know info.
  21. Go troll another thread. I knew exactly what I was getting when I paid for it. You're not hitting me with some grand revelation. You really ought to be less concerned with what others do with their money.
  22. Ugg, I hate VB.Net...but += is not how you add handlers in VB.Net. You use AddHandler and AddressOf. Example: AddHandler b.MessageReceivedEvent, AddressOf HandleMessage += is a C# syntactic sugar override to allow this to be easier.
  23. Brainling

    Hacker on DE 397. Please help!

    Honestly, your best bet is probably to drop the server for a couple of hours and hope the hacker gets bored and moves on. Unless you can figure out his BE player ID and ban it. Did you look through all the logs?
  24. This is a development tool, not meant for general use. Unless you know C# and want to program your own tool, this probably isn't for you, as this is a .NET Class Library.