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Posts posted by matte_polacken88@hotmail.com

  1. Greetings survivors/bandits!

    We welcome you all to Norway 26 with active admins, aswell as the possibility to contact the admins via skype.

    The server has 50 slots running with the following setup:

    Crosshair OFF

    Map functions OFF

    Armor OFF

    Nameplates OFF

    3rd person ON

    Admin contact (skype): Double_rb

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  2. To my understanding they disabled the respawn button to reduce server load from people spamming the respawn button. If you really have to respawn instead of just running to your buddies or desired town simply run into a zombie or jump out of a barn and break your legs (this re-enables the respawn button). Otherwise its not fair for others on the server to lag because there are a few people who don't like where the spawn and lag / crash the server trying to get a Cherno / Elektro spawn.

    The reduction in the serverload didnt actually help jackshit because its tens times worse. It takes ages to load in to the server. The removal of the respawn button was unescessary, sure you could argue that rocket is implementing some team spawn futures, but until then keep the damn button. If I wanted to play a running simulator id pick another game.

  3. I dont think the problem lies with the actual damage, sure you can argue that .45 would knock the living snot out of someone, but its the fact that the zombie pathing is borked and annoying. Its really hard to hit a zombie that is running full speed and turning 90 degrees every second. They either fix the weapon damage or the way the damn zombies run.

  4. On the server norway 10 around 01:50 this guy joes comes up to our camp running around our vehicles and then instantly killing us. Afterwards, while respawning at the beach he instantly teleports to us and killed us on the beach. My friend asked why he cheated, but he logged out from the server.
