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About Peew

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  1. My mate and me were sniping in stary and stumble across a hacker. all explained below. The thing that annoys me the most (even though you should not get attached to gear) is that we were geared to the bone with awesome stuff, and I died to fucking hacks. Something must seriously be done to prevent these events, I am sick of it. Luckily this time i caught it on tape. Here is the link to the stream that I was broadcasting at the time. http://www.twitch.tv...pew/b/327814220 at 1:28:20 we encouter the hacker first - (Asscrack believes he is beeing chased by a zombie, cuz it runs fast like hell) after studying it quickly i realize its not moving like a zombie so I shoot it as it stands still and then I also see the hacker "saluting" towards my mate. somewhere about 1:47:00 the hacker returns to my friend and as I hear his sound through skype i thought I was the one beeing shot, but apparently its him, and he dies. first you could hear an AS50 shot, then several of what seems to be L85 shots (this can not be heard in the streamvideo) which happens to be the exact weapons my mate had at the time. After he dies I continue to look for his body for a few minutes and when I find it, there is nobody near the body, its not even looted! and at this point im still 800-900m away from it. In about 1:51:10 I soon hear a loud BANG and I start looking around myself with the thermal to reveal anyone near me who might have thrown a grenade or something, but I cant find anyone, about 10 seconds later, the hacker runs up to me and I start shooting him, several times with my L85, obviously enough to take him out, and he just blows me up somehow, and I die. I do not have the raw material without the overlay, so unfortunately we cannot reveal the name of the guy when I killed him as he was "saluting" at 1:28:20 but what I do know is that two names popped up just as I shot him. this is probably just a coincidence that another player died somewhere else but its worth to mention. This is OBVIOUS hacking with solid proof, and as for now I would really appreciate the LU45 admins to have a look at the logs and get this "put bad word here"-hacker banned. Regards, Peew!
  2. Peew

    Hacker on LU45

    http://www.twitch.tv/peewpew/b/327814220 Here is the link to the stream that I was broadcasting at the time. at 1:28:20 we encouter the hacker first - (Asscrack believes he is beeing chased by a zombie, cuz it runs fast like hell) after studying it quickly i realize its not moving like a zombie so I shoot it as it stands still and then I also see the hacker "saluting" towards my mate. somewhere about 1:47:00 the hacker returns to my friend and as I hear his sound through skype i thought I was the one beeing shot, but apparently its him, and he dies. first you could hear an AS50 shot, then several of what seems to be L85 shots (this can not be heard in the streamvideo) which happens to be the exact weapons my mate had at the time. After he dies I continue to look for his body for a few minutes and when I find it, there is nobody near the body, its not even looted! and at this point im still 800-900m away from it. In about 1:51:10 I soon hear a loud BANG and I start looking around myself with the thermal to reveal anyone near me who might have thrown a grenade or something, but I cant find anyone, about 10 seconds later, the hacker runs up to me and I start shooting him, several times with my L85, obviously enough to take him out, and he just blows me up somehow, and I die. I do not have the raw material without the overlay, so unfortunately we cannot reveal the name of the guy when he was "saluting" at 1:28:20 but what I do know is that two names popped up just as I shot him. this is probably just a coincidence as another player died somewhere else but its worth to mention. This is OBVIOUS hacking with solid proof, and as for now I would really appreciate the LU45 admins to have a look at the logs and get this "put bad word here"-hacker banned. Ps. We are speaking swedish in the video! (I sometimes say "What the fuuuuuck" etc but mainly swedish)
  3. Its not the debug forest, when he reconnected, he was still on the map, left of lopatino. (We went on a regular server, that shows ur location on the map)
  4. So my friend has been playing alot of DayZ with me, and this morning when we started playing he told me alot of crazy stuff had happened to him lately, like when he logged off from cherno once, with and m1014 and a few bins, he tried to reconnect a few hours later, then he got an error message saying: Your CD-Key is already in use. This continued for about an hour, and when he was finally able to reconnect, he had different gear, and was in the middle of the woods where he could not locate himself. So to me it looks like someone else is playing on his character, but the gear that pops up in his inventory is so random, sometimes its a DMR with FAL mags and carwheels. sometimes simply a handgun. If someone else is using his character, how can we prevent it? should we contact ArmA2 Developers, or can you help us? (if its a hacker, he is not using his steamaccount to connect, somehow he is just playing DayZ through his character, since he did not receive any "Access from new computer" steam email.) Any help would be appreciated, Cheers!
  5. Then trust me, watch tutorials on youtube and use the dayzdb! A complete map from dayzdb that is really usefull! (remember to watch bottom right corner when u log in to see your location and then try to find it on the map) The map shows all the posible places you can loot (except for helicopter crash sites) and what items might be in the loot! http://dayzdb.com/map The http://dayzdb.com/ websites has a lot of useful information about weapons and other items, check out the "Database" tab! A few youtube-videos that might help you out! This is definently the best way to learn, imo. The reason I made this post is because I see A LOT of quite ignorant and stupid questions that would've been answered by google or youtube or by actually trying it out in game - FASTER - then posting a thread on this forum. If you do not want to watch any tutorials, or learn the map or read about the items ingame, IGNORE this post. Instead of posting a childish reply Regards - Peew
  6. On normal server restarts, you get the connected link and then the "No message recieved for XX seconds" message. This was not it, this was different. and what about both servers, just as I killed people? weird coincidence?
  7. So I was playing on a few different servers, sniping some people, and after 2-3 kills i got the "Session lost" error and kicked out of the server, then I was not able to find the same server again, so I switched, and started sniping on the next one, and as I got in the game, my previous "murders" and "bandit kills" were gone. This didnt bother me too much though, so I started sniping again, killed two guys, then "Session lost" again, and this server disappeared as well. Does this mean that the servers I was playing on, crashed like this as an coincidence, or am I being banned from the servers?? Peew
  8. As I got stuck on a loading screen, I attempted to restart the game, and now I cant even start it again...
  9. I've done it before mate, but I'll convert it as I get home, reinstalled windows a few days ago, I've been at a friends house, so when I'll get home I'll reinstall Sony Vegas and convert it, probably tonight videos will be up. Peew
  10. Oh, well our position was on the antenna hill :D the shooting is not on the video, it was about 10 minutes later as we got the vehicles that the server went down. Peew
  11. Now youtube gave me an error message,... I could upload them when I get home later tonight, or tomorrow ( Failed (upload aborted) )
  12. Alright, as you said Leavaris, No hard feelings! the footage is still beeing uploaded crazy fucking size of the fraps files.... Anyway I expect to see you in the UK34 again! Sorry for the inconvenience.... Peew
  13. Leavaris, I might have misstaken, but we got some videos showing you popping in and out during the 2x server restart within 5 minutes, just after we found a camp from which one of the TKG members came out from, I shot him fair and square at 400m, no hacks nowhere, and I dont recon me sayin Im a hacker? It is not my intension to hang you out on this one, but one can be suspicious when we see other threads where there's been others seeing you at these occasions. Anyway, Im sorry for the inconvenience but im just tryina play the game fair. I'll link the videos, but still, you dont have to be unfriendly. Regards Peew
  14. You popped in and out from the lobby right after server restarted first time. You were in the game at the time, then the minute we got back in to use our vehicles, the server goes down again just before we could get away, and that "clan" that came online and fooked ur base, was us. then right after that server is messing with us. Videos beeing uploaded as we speak. Regards Peew P.s - the unfriendly attitude is not appreciated, douche.
  15. Other similar incidents - http://dayzmod.com/f...e__hl__leavaris http://dayzmod.com/f...e__hl__leavaris So me and my guys where playing at UK34 for quite some while, then one of us got shot, guarding a body, by one in the crew ([TKG]) and a few minutes later, we manage to pick this guy off, and we accidentally found the TKG camp, with vehicles and several tents that we went to loot, and as soon as we got in the vehicles, been driving for a few minutes, the server goes down. we kept thinking it was a normal server restart, so we waited until we could reconnect, and as soon as we got in the lobby, we saw Leavaris again hopping in and out from the server, as soon as we were able to connect we started driving again, about a minute later, the server went down again, and hasnt been up for an hour or so. I do not think this is yet ANOTHER coinsidence, since there has been several occasions and several accusations against this admin and the server. We got proof and all these happenings recorded with fraps, I am currently converting and uploading, will post them as soon as they are ready. Regards. Peew