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Sgt. Vanluven

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Everything posted by Sgt. Vanluven

  1. I've been in a few different servers where I know the admins. And they have admin tools, that allows them to do a lot of things that scriptors can do: Teleport, spawn anything they want, see other players on map,which direction their going, where they came from direction, and so on. I played for awhile on this server, where I know the admins abused these tools, and then would lie about it. Oh look, you have a 24 slot Coyote pack 5 mins after you just respawned... how lucky.... So how are we going to police this? I just got into a discussion in side chat with several admins that were on, right after they told the whole server how many helicopters and what types where on the server. They were flying to them all and dropping off the other "ADMINS" to them. I only stated that SOME admins have too many powers and abuse the game. and they all started arguing with me, about how much they die and they don't abuse their power. as the discussion progresses one of them says they should boot me.. lol Irony. I'm just wondering how the stand alone is going to handle this.
  2. Okay well, I was referring to how the Standalone is going to handle abusing admins, not hackers.
  3. I wasn't a tent. And they were telling me about it and continually asking me if I wanted something. So long story short I left it to play elsewhere.
  4. Did you just read the title?
  5. Yeah the bloodsuckers are a pain, and the blowouts are brutal when you are low on blood. But I'm enjoying the extra challenge. All the new weapons are great as well. Anyone else?
  6. Are there any high value barracks on this map? Been looking for awhile and out of the hundred barracks I've seen none are enterable, or have no loot(new barrack looking building).
  7. Sgt. Vanluven

    Taviana, the land of the troll barracks?

    I'm wondering if the map creator intended these new barracks to replace the old high value barracks, but the loot isn't working correctly?
  8. Sgt. Vanluven

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Didn't go through all 26 pages :P So not sure if this was requested yet. How about Average kill shot distance. Longest kill shot distance. On Zombies and on players. Longest time alive.
  9. Sgt. Vanluven

    Looking to create a group of 4 or five

    Add me up, Just Skype: Jesterrr21 West Coast player.
  10. Sgt. Vanluven

    UPDATED DAILY: I'm Issuing a Warning to Any Snipers

    I was pretty much in the middle of the map... no one around. So I though... one shot dead. I'm sick of it too... I only die from other players. I've never once shot another player. lol
  11. Sgt. Vanluven

    That's it....

    I'm so sick of getting shot when I'm obviously friendly. I'm shooting every mothaF****** I see that comes near me as a solo player for now on....
  12. Sgt. Vanluven

    Chat Channels

    Can someone explain to me how the chat channels work again? I read the newbie help guild, but either he worded it poorly, or I just can understand. Is there a global talk? All the times I attempt to type to someone next to me in Direct chat, I've not gotten one answer.
  13. Sgt. Vanluven

    Chat Channels

    Okay, I was wondering why I saw "side chat" in some vids. Thanks for clearing it up for me. Still don't understand why people never answer be back on DIRECT chat, even when right next to them...
  14. Sgt. Vanluven

    Just started playing...total newbie

    This will help you find those deer stands. And this will also help you find your location by using landmarks. Not easy, but possible. http://dayzdb.com/map
  15. Sgt. Vanluven

    Just started playing...total newbie

    TL;DR is for people with the attention span of a goldfish.
  16. Sgt. Vanluven

    Server question

    Can I have a pc in different servers? As in: I have a guy logged in a server(server #1) I like to play with my friends. I log off and then I go and play on server #2. Will the game still have all my stuff and advancements on server #1?