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About [email protected]

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    Helicopter Hunter
  1. It was released ages ago and I used to play it for training purposes but couldn't use it after patch. I want to try it again on 1.7.3 as I noticed the singleplayer option is no longer greyed out. This link provides the download test it out see if it still works I will be: Link removed.
  2. brownfella@hotmail.co.uk


    I particularly enjoyed the first 57 seconds of the video.......do you understand the idea of editing?
  3. Since the latest patch I have enjoyed playing without the debug monitor. But I would really like it if the eye/ear icons were removed. I dont really think these icons are needed as I know if I am stand up running I am creating noise/easy to spot and if I am prone moving slowly I am quiet/hard to spot. The hunger icon could be replaced with a stomach rumbling noise instead of icon and temperature replaced with shaking from the cold and the already implemented cough sound. Can't think of a good one for thirst yet maybe someone else has a better idea than mine. Are these icons really necessary with rockets idea of minimal UI. Just a thought, sorry if I am repeating a post but I could not find one in my search.
  4. I have similar specs as you but only have problems on certain servers. If the game runs smooth on singleplayer then it is more likely down to a slow server try another one see if its any better. I run everything on max, apart from postprocess effects which is off and shadow quality which is normal. Make sure both resolutions (in video options) match ie. both 1080 or whatever. It just takes a bit of messing with
  5. Are you sure your not just imagining things?
  6. You could try hacking your way out of the ban with a hatchet.
  7. Not true, if you find any M240 ammo, which you can get regularly at the NE airfield, then all you have to do is store it in the cargo hold of the heli and it will automatically show as an extra clip. To store stuff in the heli press 'M' choose 'UNITS' in top left and then 'GEAR' thats where to put it.
  8. Nice post and well said. I would give you NVG's and an CCO SD if I could but beans are all I have, sorry : )
  9. brownfella@hotmail.co.uk

    ARMA X !

    You got combined ops when you bought ARMAX. You can run arma2 on its own or Operation arrowhead on its own. But when you install both it then becomes combined ops. So you have everything you need.
  10. If you have a map in dayz but dont know where you are you cant press and hold LEFT SHIFT then press LEFT MOUSE BUTTON and it will put a waypoint on your map for you to head to. You could send it off in for different directions to gauge where you are from certain towns. There are lots of uses for it hope this helped!
  11. Its all very normal. Your positional icon varies from server to server the owner turns it on/off. The black symbols are notes, just double click anywhere on the map type your text and hit return. I would advise not heading to the icons as they can sometimes be bandit traps!
  12. brownfella@hotmail.co.uk


    Dont be a bloody killjoy