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About rupertpupkin74

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Bio
    "Who made this man a gunner?"
  1. After about an hour of trying to find each other (Taco Twat and Manny are navigationally challenged) we made our way to Elektro. Upon arriving we encountered a zombie inside of the tech building. Taco Twat took this opportunity to take a shot at the zombie and blow my brains out killing me with one shot. D'oh! After a lucky respawn in Kamyshovo I made it back to Elektro in record time. In my absence Manny had a few problems with the local zombie population... then I started recording. Queue the clown music! [46 min]
  2. rupertpupkin74

    LazyDayZ is back!

    You can also find us on our Steam group.
  3. rupertpupkin74

    LazyDayZ is back!

    Sorry, I'm not too sure about the bandit count on the server. All I can tell you for sure is the group of us that run the server, about 3-5 of us at any given time, try to call out "friendly" in most situations. We will return fire every time however. I have been guilty of a few friendly fire events... whoops. :) We don't mind bandits, they are part of the game, what we do mind is assholes... we're just trying to have fun. Please check us out and don't forget to vist our website at lazydayz.info and be sure to sign up for our forum.
  4. rupertpupkin74

    LazyDayZ is back!

    LazyDayZ is back! After taking a couple of months off from the mod we are back with our first standalone server. Our server is owned and administrated by a group of 30-something guys that love to play DayZ. If you're interested in having fun then come check us out at the server in the signature below and be sure to visit our website at lazydayz.info, don't forget to register for the forums. See you there! :) LazyDayZ
  5. I fixed it. I had to delete my entire @dayZ folder from Documents/ArmA 2. Then I re-downloaded DayZ through DayZ Commander and VIOLA! OP delivers. Aww yeah...
  6. Whenever I try to join my Private Hive this happens. It was working fine yesterday. Other players can join the server just fine. I have tried verifying game files for ArmA 2 and Operation Arrowhead in Steam. Then I tried uninstalling both games completely and the re-installing in Steam. I booted up both games in Steam and closed them. The when I ran DayZ from DayZ Commander it crashed in the exact same spot. It always crashes at this point right after I get into the game and it always shows the "Private George Smith" text. Any ideas what is wrong?
  7. Is anybody currently playing this and looking for a home server? A couple of friends and I have got a private hive server up and running and we are looking for players. Check us out at: http://lazydayz.infoor our server at:
  8. rupertpupkin74

    Newb Tactics - Episode 02: When saying farewell...

    Nice... I love Muttley. Mostly I was just trying to laugh quietly so I didn't wake up my kid. :)
  9. Brad was generous enough to donate to my private server. I had just delivered him a shiny new Ghillie Suit as a thank you and we parted ways...
  10. The first in a series of, "learn from my mistakes" videos. Essentially a clearinghouse for all of my major f*ck-ups. In this episode we learn what not to do in infested towns while trapped. CAUTION: LOUD MUSIC!
  11. After all of the work we did to preserve as much loot as possible after rthrb was murdered in the last episode we logged into a daytime server and the bullsh*t starts immediately. Glitches I can deal with but hackers really piss me off. Watch for yourself and tell me what you think. Is it really a hacker or am I just a whiny b*tch?
  12. Full breakdown: This character has been alive since Episode 1 of the series. He has been alive for around 38 days at this point and in that time I played about 20-30 hours with him. In this entire series you can basically watch me go from a total noob to my first murder. I have a life so I can't play games everyday and when I do I don't always choose DayZ, so what seems "odd" to you is just the way I play and can be corroborated by the entire video series. The evidence is in the video. You had the HUGE advantage of knowing what was going to happen. When this actually happened to me my heart was racing and I had never killed another player. I didn't want to screw it up so I was trying to be extra careful. If you watch the video again you will see that I sighted him up while he was crouching and then I laid back down to make sure I was ready. As I'm dropping to the ground you can just barely see him start running to the right which I didn't see at the time. When I popped back up he was no longer sitting where I had just sighted him. Call it tunnel vision but at the time I did not see him standing at the right until just before he started moving to run off to the right. Watch it again and only look down the sights of my rifle (which is where I was looking at the time) and then tell me how easy it is to see him on the right. As far as aiming high, yeah, I was aiming high for a lot of those shots but you can clearly see that my first two volleys were aimed at his neck and head. Before he dropped to the ground you can clearly see a blood spurt shoot up from high on his body and it almost looks like a head shot. I clearly hit him with at least 3 shots while he was standing and possibly 1-2 more while he was on the ground. The AKM does 4500 damage, do the math. I know a lot of people don't have the patience for long play patient gameplay videos, that is why I put a disclaimer in the title and my signature. I'm sorry that I didn't live up to your high standards... I feel so empty inside. ;)
  13. Except that we're both right. You are just using different numbers and stuff than I am. You are calculating murders as an occurrence among the player base and I am calculating murders as an occurrence among the number of times that player base has played a new spawn. So we are both good with numbers and stuff. We should either join opposing political parties or the math club. I've never been murdered. I'm sure there are many payers that have been murdered WAY more than 8 times.
  14. This is how I know you watched from the begining. :)