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Posts posted by ZackTheTaco

  1. So the first 1.7.2 server I join I look down at my arms (as 3rd person is disabled) and realize I'm not in my ghillie suit. Unfortunately when I check my bag and backpack the ghillie seems to have "disappeared". I decide to check whether or not my ghillie suit will appear in another server for whatever reason, but in the next 1.7.2 server I join I discover I've lost my food, and I confirm I've lost my ghillie suit (it's not in my bag or backpack, nor is it equipped). I fear losing more equipment as I join different 1.7.2 servers, so I'm just gonna lay off for a bit and do homework as I should have been doing in the first place.

    I was just wanting to know if this is common, that it's happened to others so far, and if so it's hopefully hotfixed.

