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Montival (DayZ)

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About Montival (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Montival (DayZ)

    So why exactly is hacking so rampant?

    Those who use hacks use them because they love getting off from other people's expenses. If they have fun, that's all they can give a crap about. In other words, selfish pricks use hacks.
  2. Montival (DayZ)

    Crossbow...worth the trouble?

    It's a fun weapon, and one I use if it is one of the first weapons I find. It's ditched not long after that when I come across an assault rifle. The aiming is jacked up as bolts fire much higher than you're truly aiming. I have to aim for where one would wear a belt bucke to get a kill shot. The one bolt per inv slot is problematic. I also do not like how recovering fired bolts (from bodies, not from missing) was implemented. It takes much longer than it should to find the bolt and recover it, if you can find it. It's not always possible and bolts stick out of a corpse in random spots, even if you aim for the same spot every single time. I would use the crossbow more if recovering bolts were made where it's on the body's inventory than sticking out of them.
  3. Montival (DayZ)

    Does Day/Night not read correctly on servers?

    Yeah, there seems something buggy about the time. I'll look at my watch and it'll say a certain time and my friend I play with will say it's two hours ahead of what it is for me with his watch. It's really confusing.
  4. Montival (DayZ)

    Saving Vehicles and Tents

    I think you are simply being paranoid. For someone who has never played around with tents before, claiming server instability as a reason against server persistant tents is weak, in my opinion. I've never had issues with a server messing up a tent. You are also not tied to a server because you pitched a tent in one server and stashed gear there. You can still roam about other servers. If you need to revisit your tent, all you need to do is travel to the spot your tent's at and relog into the server that has it. I find it highly unlikely this mechanic will change, so you'll have to compromise like I suggested or not even bother with tents and vehicles.
  5. I generally avoid Cherno and Electro when I start out. It's a good way to a quick death. I rather venture out inland and find all my goodies at the towns and countryside along the way. If I am spawning east of electro, for example, I just follow the coast line heading east and then north. The towns that way will gear you up well enough without runnin the risk of meeting hostile players as much as you would in the other two big cities.
  6. Montival (DayZ)

    DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

    Only experienced one in my time so far. I was wandering my merry way to some town when I magically get a broken bone. I was like, "wtf?" Then everybody on side channel complained about the same thing. Suffice to say, that was the first and last time I played on that server.
  7. Montival (DayZ)

    Noob in the North

    If those tents were empty when you found them, their owners perhaps abandoned them. I still would not trust them, however. Find your own tent and place it yourself in a nice, quiet woodland.
  8. Best way is to connect with people outside of the game. It kind of sucks that you have to do that, but finding people in the game and hope to coop with them is quite risky.
  9. I haven't been able to search successfully for an answer to this question, but I notice when I see a player in my LOS and I line up my crosshairs on that player, it'll list his distance and his player name (I guess certain server parameters can do away with this info). However, I notice two differences. Sometimes, a player's name will show up green and other times, it'll show up orange. Is there a significance to these different colors? Thanks for answering.